
While none of them identified their sources can we be sure they didn't try to outSmart themselves?

Guy 1: Three? That's it?

Guy 2: Yeah

Guy 1: That's a lot less than last time.

Guy 2: Last time?

Guy 1: 3 is a lot less than 9/11.

Guy 2: You're a fucking idiot; 3 is 2.18181818 more than nine elevenths.

C'mon Tim, was the Gonzaga player alright?

I just spent a solid two minutes trying to make a Back to the Future joke so I could point out that Vlade Divac never went to college. I'm going to try again in a few minutes ago.

Greg Oden: Let me get my ruler out

Greg Oden: [takes off pants]

Was that Dusty Baker in the black and grey striped shirt? I know he's not the manager anymore but he had the same body size and glasses, is he an "adviser to the organization" type guy now?

I bet you could do some really cool regression analysis and find a strong correlation between the basketball budgets of teams and the cost of a 2006 Escalade.

His girlfriend was distraught, when she got the phone call from John in jail little miss Moffitt was advised to sit on a tuffet.

"Who are we going to cheer for on Sundays now?"

So that'd be Jim Harbaugh and the 49ers?

After the race Aravena said, "that's bullshit". After watching the grace with which the race official flashes his red cape I couldn't agree more.

Figured the Browns fans would have cut Weeden some slack, what with both of them going through their mid-life crisis and all.

When asked to elaborate:
so cool to meet Malcolm Gladwell! He told me the only reason I became a star was by pure chance of birth month, place, and the superior training I received as a child. I tried to tell him stars are actually formed when a nebula rich in material collapses under its own weight. He said something

Only God's Love Is Everlasting. Also Tattoos.

Day 1 of OTAs:
Martin: Hey Colin I've been having a hard time adjusting and I know you've had to deal with a lot of negativity, how do I silence the haters?

Should Kansas's Seed Be Dropped?

JR Smith on Phil speculation: "I've been watching the Golf Channel."

As much as he'd like us to think it of him, Bieber will never be a G.

Pretty sure no matter what one does Jameis is going to be the one blinking first.

Yes, in a MMA fight the ref can't be relied upon to break up a clinch. It's then a matter of if she catch him which I think she can simply by shooting in for a take down. I don't see the punches she takes on the way in knocking her out simply because Floyd's not a knockout puncher (They're actually the same size more

It also depends on the specific type of data you look at. You're using total arrests while Garofalo was speaking specifically on "street crime" among NBA players. So when looking at the NFL you could say arrest reports are lower than the U.S. population as a whole but something like "parking lot crime" might be way up.