
No, he looks like Bill Burr’s cousin, the one who could not stop playing “Jump Around” when it was big in ‘92....had a mixtape which was just a one-hour re-edit of the song.

Here’s something from the now-defunct Kooks Museum circa 1997:

BULLSHIT, Barsanti - - before This Above All there was 2001's Hatemongers aka Fred the Movie, directed by Steve Drain. The documentary features Fred Phelps, his crazy successor daughter, and the entire goonish family. Why you haven’t heard of this film (which went straight to video) is that Steve Drain decided to jump

Adolf Hitler Ist der Seig?

“May he BURN in the ENDLESS FIRES of HELL” is what you meant to write.

They don’t care.

To quote Raiders of the Lost Ark:

He has never topped Manhattan, and he never will.

That film is the one thing Seinfeld will be know for by future Internet historians.

I loved how Tracey Morgan called him “Jack Human” in real life.

No, you aren’t - this is the THX-1138 jail of The Kinjafication.

He just buries himself further and further, and he negates the Office of the Presidency with every passing day.

He could have used “Adam Yoshida”, but it turns out he is Canada’s arch-conservative answer to the question “Where are all the Canadian Right-wingers?”

Too fat to live.

Primus is a pretty good band....

To all the people in this thread: It’s his career - If he wants to wreck it, let him.

They can have control of those companies, but only if the Brothers do a round of Russian Roulette.

He should be replaced with a mop and voiced by Eugene Cordero doing a deep-fried Southern accent.

That hairstyle is giving me Hunger Games flashbacks.

....Of course, now that I think of it, he might have been afraid to drive the jeep across the line for fear of hidden mines or an automatic machine gun nest.