
So the magazine is not being sold?

He was a bungler as a governor - he would flail around if given the Big Desk, but he would be more “presidential” about it.

Nuke Hollywood from orbit.


WELCOME to The Kinjafication!

If Juggalos were a gang, they would be the most obvious gang ever.

More than half the country wants Trump violently killed, and yet nobody seems to be running around arresting people for rage-Tweets. FOX “News” needs to get its head out of its rectum.

It will only be good if they have a Chinese nut merchant say (in a dubbed voice): “THAT’S A LOT OF NUTS!”

You can sue for slander and personal defamation in US courts; it’s easier than a British libel case, but I think that Comey is too busy with other things right now than to crucify this fuckstick in court.

Because The Libs are The Joos in their very small minds.

But can we blame the Space Mexicans?

Bring back Bill for a new round of Rescue 9-1-1!


But it might be porn. The rest can go to eBay and RedLetterMedia.

Really? We have to buy books or read the Wikipedia of Star Warz to figure out bits of a Star Warz movie?

And what makes it worse for Snoke-plotline lovers is that I have a strong suspicion that his Red Guards are actually Kylo’s “Knights of Ren” in different clothes. If true, then it’s just Ben Solo and Hux as the Head Asskicker in Charge and his Limey Dogleg.

Rey is a million-to-one “Force sensitive” who was just born that way (hence the title of the last movie The Force Awakens - she goes from not knowing certain basic things about herself to knowing that she has to follow a path.) That’s all you need to know for now.

....And you are absolutely right.

I’ve heard that they fell because they were over a planet and the gravity well sucked them down. I thought they might have been magnetic when I saw the scene.

No love for this show?