
He’s a bad driver; the UAZ 466 could have crossed that terrain.

To live your entire life under the oppressive Univision-Kinja regime must be is terrible. To endure the tasks asked of you as a member of the country’s armed forces writer’s pool, to live in poverty conditions, to serve a dictatorial maniac incompetent band of telenovela makers who would be better off running a

They didn’t pay attention when Mother Jones (of all magazines) decided that Richard Spencer would be a good dude to interview, and they had him nattily dressed in the article photo. And this was a half-year before the election and Spencer’s later head punching.

I just hope they do a documentary on Flipper, the N—-er Hatin’ Dolphin. Why did he go racist? How did he survive swimming in chlorinated water?

That’s the joke - the American picture of Germany being rose-colored and twenty years out of date. Also a reference to the turbulence of Weimar Germany.

National Socialism was always beloved in America until Pearl Harbor. The business class and the upper middle class thought Hitler was swell, a less Eye-talian version of Mussolini, there to make Germany orderly like under the Kaiser, and if people wound up in “jail” for not going along with it, tough shit. Try to find

....While a band plays Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lotta Love” on kazoos.

In Hollywood, the Scientologists have endless leverage over the cops, possibly the Sheriff’s Office still even though Lee Baca is in jail.

Too bad the Shaw Brothers aren’t around anymore - this film would have run in Hong Kong under the Chinese title Ghost Fighters of Honor in Old Gold Mountain.

I wish Time magazine had shot back, “President Trump, of all the motherfuckers on Earth, you’re the motherfuckest.”

You are on crack.

Sassy sperm.

CRUSH ‘EM, AL.....

Mel “Sugar-Tits” Gibson.

The German banks made bad loans to Greece knowing damn well they would default, but that under EU rules they could squeeze them for every possible penny. So they and the French don’t get off lightly in my book. The EU was set up badly under neoliberal rules, and now it creates a form of economic war within Europe.

He went Clear and gave up.

Manson was better than this.....

.....And you prove the Perfect is the enemy of the Good.

Top photo looks like Will Smith is thinking “For L. Ron’s honor I smite thee, SP!”

They will force themselves to do this as long as the EU lasts, because the Empire is long gone.