
She is over rated. Most of he music is mid.

It was fine.

You’re wrong. But it’s ok.

Carrie get out while you still can. This kinja thing is a disaster me and everyone I know who came to the AV club every other day or more is almost never here if at all. The layout if horrific compared to earlier days. Even if you try for find articles just looking back chronologically you often can’t find them. AV

It’s a step down from prior season but it’s still entertaining and frankly still one of the better shows on TV but more so because not many shows are very good.


It looks pretty shitty.

This is super ugly and I hate it. The you might like basically wastes 40% of the screen. The homepage is a mess.

I watch BB still no idea what you're talking about.

<3 Irene's smile

It was sad, but them Kim crashed her car and I was even sadder.

Production influence things but not to the level you're picturing here. UnReal is a good show but like Survivor it's not a documentary.

It's not scripted. You don't know what you're talking about there have been 500 contestants and countless crew on the show in the past 17 years. At some point something would have come out. Plus there have been a number of seasons and winners which production was very disappointed by and never would have happen.

CBS has been consulting with Zeke and GLAAD for several months on this episode according to the GLAAD facebook account.

It's not a good show.

You must have missed the large contingent of people saying that Michele would win because of the edit last season. But anyway David is going to win.

So a group of douches are excited a douche was elected President. Not really to surprising.

Yes it's reality TVs fault. You cracked the problem.

Alaska did deserve to go home though. She has the worst performance this week. Or you can look at it as a chance to get rid of the biggest competition. Both hugely valid reasons to get her out. It should have been done.

Agree but then Alaska should just own it and not say it was because of a shirt. And please stop with the saying rolaskatox isn't a thing. It is. We all see it and it's very obvious when you say otherwise it makes you look silly.