
I'm a huge survivor fan and enjoy strategy. The big problem I have is the not owning it. If you don't want to send home a friend or would rather send home the big threat fine. But say that. Don't say I can't send her home because she lent me this shirt. That's just obnoxious.

Aubry sucks and Michele doesn't. That makes sense.

You are being a cry baby. Aubry played a bad game and earned her loss. Just because you like her does't mean she should win. Aubry sucked and people like you are too fantarded to notice.;

Michele won because she played a better game. If winning was based on crying Aubry would have won weeks ago.

There is lots of footage of her social game but it's not TV friendly it's long and drawn out.

Michele won and I love being right not only that but she won heads up against unbeatable Aubry who wins against anyone and she won by enough votes that even if Neal voted Aubry she still loses! I just love it so much. So happy Aubry lost.

How was Aubry robbed? She lost fair and square.

So the argument is the jury was sexist so the voted for a different woman? That extremely stupid.

I don't think it was the her social game was so stealth I think at least part of it was how do you show people slowly becoming friendly to each other on TV with out being boring specially when you need time to show challenges and tribal councils.

Thanks for sharing!

Wow I'm glad to hear how you're so wonderful and above such things. Congratulations You must be a really wonderful person.

Gervase won 1 immunity. He survived the next vote with out immunity. Then was voted out.

Eh, I mean is it really an alliance if they never even vote together? Hatch created the first successful alliance.

He probably would have lost a final three with Matt and Jenna.

Dalton Ross is an idiot a lot of the time but he's totally right about wanting a final two and wanting Jeff to travel back to America in ridiculous ways.

He would not have won. The rest of his tribe thought he was a wacka doo. He got a very favorable edit because you don't bury the guy who falls in a fire.

9/11 was a major factor. Survivor: Africa premiered just weeks later and many people were in the mode that things are too serious for things like this now.

You mean Ethan Zorn? I think that's really selling Ethan short. He was one third of the key alliance of the season. He made the key decision the throw the post swap challenge to vote out Silas while also protecting his allies who got swapped to the other side (oddly fans frequently complain about throwing

Yes it is critical in that it is a analysis of the merits and faults of her game play which is the basic definition of critical. Michele and Cydney have both been better than Aubry. They've made few potentially game ruining mistakes where as Aubry has made a bunch none of them have cost her so far but that doesn't

Probst is a dick about Parvatis game play but her game play is still way over rated even if Probst miss understands it.