
As soon as I saw all the kids on the same side for the first time, strategizing in the car, supporting each other, I knew it was over for them. Camaraderie?! Love?! That’s not how any of this works, you dummies.

It must hurt like a son-of-a-bitch because he was essentially forced into a semi-dad role for his younger siblings. Ruck rules, and the way he gleefully twisted the knife about the maca root thing was so good. So petty. Like, “he’s planning on replacing you like he replaced me.”

I think you might be watching a different show than the rest of us. The good news is, it’s not like someone’s holding a gun to your head*you’re totally free to just change the channel/website and watch something else.

Not me. #Conhead4eva

Alan Ruck is truly the disrespected eldest son.

I’ve never understood the complaints about wheel spinning. It seems quite obvious to me that the wheel spinning is the point. Both Aaronson and Matsson pointedly ask when Logan is going to die, more or less. The outsiders know and realize that until Logan sells or dies, nothing meaningful can happen. They know he’ll

To be fair, when he was a teen he did trash Logan’s prized Ferrari.

Come on. We gotta shout out Alan Ruck. He is constantly benched on the show, and he plays that need for recognition so beautifully. It feels like we all undervalue his work on the show, and this episode gives him a great ending to his season arc.

In an episode filled with fantastic performances Culkin really stood out. His torment about what to do and who to side with throughout was conveyed perfectly and almost entirely without saying a word about it.

I don’t know how you could possibly think that this episode was suggesting “both sides are bad” or any sort of equivalency between Nazis and progressives. That’s just ridiculous. Some people fake/use progressivism in order to gain power and wealth; Neuman is one of those people.

I think you are projecting too much on this. The Neuman reveal doesn’t mean Progressives = Nazis. It means she’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing and we have not a clue what her game is. I didn’t get that take at all. Cults of personalities are bad things was my biggest take away. If, next year, they show her as committed

Don’ worry, Sam. You’ll always be Crewman Number 6, I mean, Guy to me. ;) 

He was great in Moon.

Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!

This is well-written and thoughtful. And it’s true — the original Ghostbusters was “lightning in a bottle”; it’s a special film and cannot be recreated on cue. (This is why one of the talking points that came out of the last round of Busters-related Culture War always annoyed me: that really, the original film is

“If you’re an A.V. Club reader, you probably share our general cynicism for promotional nonsense.”

“while its fake psychic premise was piquant enough to simultaneously exist on CBS,”

No, he’s not. You don’t take a game option away from everyone simply because YOU dislike it. The only thing he was right about is that there should be a menu option to disable it.

For fuck’s sake, Ethan, really? This is dumb. Sorry, this is just dumb. How little self confidence must you have that a picture of a man in a baby bonnet somehow bullies you? It’s a picture in a video game. No one is watching you. It isn’t a form of peer pressure, it’s your own weird insecurities. Sack up, man.

In other words, you felt peer pressure from a game and now want all of us to peer pressure gaming companies into making game that doesn’t peer pressure you back?