A male feminist walks into a bar
A male feminist walks into a bar
Fuck Mike Pence.
It always amazes me when people who make a living off of their creative work think it’s ok to infringe on the (copy)rights of others who do the same.
7th grade me had a BF who listened to P.O.D.
As a black person, I love how he is using racial remarks as an excuse to do this. He thinks Black America is gonna be like “oh she called him the n-word so he had to do it.” This dude needs to rot.
Brian, good luck finding someone else with toe thumbs that can give you a handjob/footjob in one. You should have tried harder.
riley curry is both an argument for and against having kids. how could you not want to be around that ball of energy and sunshine and joy and general awesome-ness all the time! but also, what if you have a boring kid that’s not riley curry? devo.
Developing early is the worst. I wore baggy clothes up until practically my 20s. Wearing anything with any real confidence took another decade or so. Attention = DID NOT WANT
I’m sorry the other commenter was dismissive of your experience. These things last a long time and have lasting impacts on young minds. I know my behavior changed once I realized I was getting unwanted sexual attention, and that didn’t make it stop.
Goddamn it! That’s what happens when I jump in without checking the screename. #accidentallyfedatroll.
Sheik is an idiot troll. See his discussions. But yet again we have a man trying to minimize a woman’s experience. :)
Way to show empathy.
That’s my biggest life lesson....I spent too much time crying over what I could never be rather than accepting and rocking what I had.
I have the body type of a 40s pin up. My mom is rail thin and flat as a board (naturally, but she also is horribly fatphobic) . As soon as I hit puberty I was so ashamed of my body that I stopped swimming because I was so uncomfortable that anyone could see my thighs.
John Boehner writes:
The sheer amount of stories that start or end with “I was 12” “I was 11” “I was 9” NINE! NINE FOR CHRISTSSAKES! I was flabberghasted sifting through all the stories shared. It makes me sick to my stomach....I can’t even articulate my rage right now.