
Can we get a movie? I mean, I guess I can just keep playing this on a loop for the rest of my life...

Okie dokie. But fertile men have to quit drinking too. Because they might have sex with a woman who might get pregnant.

I can't wait til mom jeans come back around.

I'll take one round mound of pound, please.

This is why I don't like to wear headphones on airplanes. You just get too comfortable.

What do wallflowers do during a silent disco? Do they just sit there and listen to everyone heavily mouth breathe and maybe an accidental toot or two?

*Googles “how House Hunters really works”*

SEGA Genesis. I played Little Mermaid on that shit til the cows came home.

Looks to me like he’s mouthing “I didn’t do this”.

I love the guy in the background casually chewing gum and playing the guitar. Coolest Christian dude on the block.

That cover art, tho.

I feel like this could turn into an easy tool for scammers to extort small amounts of money from you. Sounds crazy. But in my profession, there has been a scam where people post fake bad reviews and then alert you about it as someone else and asks you to pay them to get it taken down. Also, it’s a stupid-as-shit idea

Now playing

Watch this 20 times and you might feel a tiny tiny tiny bit better. It’s no puppies, but I’ll be darned if that kid isn’t the cutest.


Welp, there goes all productivity and positivity today. Side note: I LOVE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING AND ALL THE STUFFS. :’’’’’’’’’’{

That would be my son, 3 year old at the time, experiencing his first plane ride and yelling “We’re going down!! We’re going down!!!” in excitement. He did this on the return flight too. There was a girl a few rows back who I could hear panicking because she obviously was afraid of flying. I felt so bad.

Re: shy and uncomfortable.. I was this way for a long time because of early puberty too. But not now. I don’t really know what changed other than just getting too tired to GAF about what other people think of me. That happened probably around 9th grade at 15 or so. Lot’s of Avril Lavigne and teen girl angst music

There’s not really a lot you can do... make sure she doesn’t feel ashamed of her body and try to tape down her boobs a-la-Roberta style from Now and Then (God, I love that movie). Tell her it’s gonna suck for now. Maybe give her some good one-liners for creepy boys/men who say stuff to her? I don’t know.. is that

I, too, thought I was extremely fat because my body was not a stick like the other girls’. Geez Louise. I hate even thinking about that time. I looked ridiculous. Pretty sure I burned all photos of me from age 10-13.

I made a very very long story short. The years of this kind of stuff I went through put me in a depression and effected my relationships for the rest of my life. So... yes, probably the worst time in my life. Because I really could do nothing about the way I looked.