I used to have that movie almost totally memorized. I even once fast-forwarded through the movie and only watched the scenes with him in it (this is what VHS was the thang).
Still would.
Oh my god. I got 90% of the photoshop references and THIS IS AWESOME hahahaha!!
Would you like to see SNL cast member Vanessa Bayer attempt to out-weird Weird Al? Of course you would!
I'm from Austin - Texan solidarity! :)
oh my goodness that pug puppy proposal squeeeeeeeeee (yeah I'm stalking your website now oops).
From an economic POV, it makes sense to target the people who will likely fall in love and get married several times over!
Victor Hugo 'for' The Knot? Did they dig up the man and commission a quote from him just for this purpose?
I was with a dude for four years. Repeatedly showed him where it was. He could never find it on his own. Also thought you couldn't have sex from behind without it being anal. Also wouldn't let me go down on him for 2 years because "that's where the pee comes out." Also refused to reciprocate because, "the vagina is…
Wait, seriously? I don't have anything against sororities. I didn't go to a school with a big Greek life and wouldn't have joined anyway, so all this is news to me. But really, this is just silly. It's 2015, if college organizations can't encourage equality between genders, where are kids going to learn it.
I love her. Also her hair.
The lost Card Against Humanity!
at least he will always cherish the woman suit he makes out of her.