Bad Billy Pratt

Given the events that went down at Richmond last year, do you still feel that Michael Waltrip is a piece of shit?

Had all the best short track racers on the West Coast.

90% of the entire 49er fanbase is built on bandwagon fans. Nobody cared about that team until they started winning and contending for championships.

As funny* now at it was then.

I've been wondering what the "two weeks" lady from Total Recall has been up to these days.

Will the Raiders ever be good again?

Son of the Agony of Defeat guy?

Fuck these assholes with a silver bat signed by Pete Rose, Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire and Roger Clemens.


All I ever heard about Candlestick from SF sports fans was how it was such a big shit hole it was. Now all of a sudden it's a historic and treasured venue.

Finally some GOOD music...

Insert Sidney Crosby is a woman joke here.

I hope Fenway Park's doppelganger is the most irradiated location in the game.

Just make this guy the team mascot.


The greatest moment in the history of the franchise until the team moves from Phoenix. Then it will be the second greatest moment.

I wish the shark had ate him.