Bad Billy Pratt

Love this car.

Sounds like a piece of shit to me. Coincidentally, my shit has been looking tarry lately.

Not the first time an auto racing venue and football field have been at the same place. There used to be stock car races at Soldier Field and the Silverdome.

No IndyCars in Indiana makes me sad.

Gristle McThornbody

You think Waltrip and McReynolds are better? That says a lot.

"If you can't beat 'em, beat 'em" - NYJ defense.

A great offensive maneuver as well.

Good thing he doesn't play for the Broncos.

If they REALLY wanted to get back at the refs, they'd show up at their door step every day for the rest for the rest of the week.

Somewhere Stevie Nicks is crying "ooo, ooo, ooo"

One can only hope the USC marching bad was playing "Tusk" during that second one.

Now if only Jonathan Cheechoo and Jarko Ruutu would come back to the NHL...

Bring back leather helmets!