Bad Billy Pratt

Hands down right now it’s Alvin Kamara now but Christain McCaffrey is right there too.

Tebow would just be better off taking a knee on this one.

Made about as much sense as Kenobi’s spin in his epic duel against Vader.

I’m sure Ortiz will be just fine. He’s used to getting multiple shots in his body.

Front running fans ruin everything.

A terrible joke in the discussion second of a Deadspin article. Shocking.

They should pull their F1 team too while they’re at it.

Racism AND sexism in golf?! What is the world coming to?!?!

I’m a depressed, lonely fat fuck who isn’t a god of thunder and I thought Thor was fantastic. People need to look into what the context of the character is.

He’s talking about the inevitable war that will happen in this country when these soldiers will have to go up against the anti-Government, pro-military ‘Muricans who want to keep their God-given rights to retain artillery meant for war. Wait, this fuck isn’t intelligent enough to make a connection like that.

I can’t believe how amazing the Blues played after that hand pass goal loss in OT. Losing that way on home ice would have killed so many teams, particularly an inexperienced playoff team such as St. Louis. Game four was a statement that the Blues were not going away easy. Games five and six were absolute routs.

It is

I thought it was Colonel Sanders for a second.

Awwwww! Mad Bum?

Jesus... keep him away from females because dude might go on a screw attack!

If he doesn’t stop, someone is liable to pop Cherry in his mouth.

Is that Pony from China, IL in that picture?

How could anybody be surprised? They’re the Rockets! Sometimes Rockets can blow up!

Shame on all the snowflake millennial liberals for ruining a song that represents our heritage!