Bad Billy Pratt

Must have raided Lex Luger's closet.

Truth hurts. Danica will only be able to dream about the career Kyle Petty had.

This won't end badly.

Buff Drinklots


Always knew that Boston sports fans were jackoffs.

Nice to see Sports Guy Simmons posting on Deadspin.

This is how I wish I could watch every sport.

Afterward several fans came up wanting to learn the moves Pippin laid on the fan but he wouldn't give out any advice.

Yes, that would be delightful.

Once again.

Harraka drives like caca.


Do I really come up with this shit? Yes... I do...

That's Boston Strong for you.

How I feel about Simmons since he released The Book of Basketball.

Now playing

This was Murray's reaction upon hearing he had cancer: