
Prepare to have your minds blown, folks:
Michelle Forbes is 49. I'm 20 years younger than her and look like I could be her dad.

I don't even watch this show anymore, but I still enjoy your recaps. Actually I enjoy them way more than I enjoyed the episodes I watched.

In the long-running Star Wars naming convention, I postulate to name this model B4-L1.

I LOVED that scene from Robocop since I really hated that character. Good times.

Yeah I think you are right, I just remember laughing when they both simultaneously said NO!!

That's fascinating — I was aware of using Flettner rotors on ships (Discovery had a show some years ago where that was featured), but I was completely unaware that they could be used in place of wings on aircraft too!

It's worth remembering that Jacques Cousteau's ship the Alcyone uses Magnus effect sails (aka "turbosails"), and the Cousteau Society has sailed her since 1985.

Years in between seasons but I defy you to tell me that they're not works of genius.

100 Years in the making, maligned and mis-marketed, it was the best adaptation of a classic story that has shaped movies and books for decades. John Carter (of Mars!)

This show takes entirely too long to make the air, but the wait is always rewarded.

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How many Doctor Who fans does it take to change a light bulb?

Of course that means you're Not Even Remotely Dorky.


It's been 30 years, maybe they upgraded the cannons at some point in there.

Well, if you want your original FX shots, then get the original Trek on Blu-Ray. It has both versions, the new-fangled CGI effects and the 60's effects. And all of the film footage, even that of the original effects, is presented in sparkling high definition.

I can only give you one star, so I also give you Laurette Spang.

If you're gonna do it you must as well go big huh?

Yep, you nailed it. And I would love to see and actually remastered release of that show. The effects and designs were superb.