and my voice sounds like a thousand miles of dirt road, mentholated Kools, Jack Daniels and regret
and my voice sounds like a thousand miles of dirt road, mentholated Kools, Jack Daniels and regret
Don’t forget to add apples to quesadillas!
I’ve been a PB&P fan for 50 years. I’m now a PB&K fan too. Thanks for the tip. I do pity any kid who gets sent to school with a PB&K. That samich stanks.
Kimchi, hands down, because spicy peanut is the best peanut.
A Swedish friend of mine used to eat sandwiches with peanut butter and (inexpensive) caviar.
Peanut butter and sliced garden tomato sandwiches, seasoned with salt and pepper, are a summer guilty pleasure.
So is this supposed to be with sweet pickles, or dill pickles? I never eat PB&J sandwiches because they’re too “dessert-y”, and if I’m going to eat dessert it’s going to be something better than a PB&J sandwich. Inquiring minds want to know.
Fried kimchi, peanut butter, and red peppers are my favourite ingredients to put in pasta. Kimchi in general is delicious, of course.
My wife and kids look at me with disgust whenever I do this, but one sandwich I got from my British mother years ago is peanut-butter and tomato. Think of a big slab of beefsteak tomato - the kind that would make a perfect BLT, and just put it between two slices with peanut-butter. Easy and a perfect summer…
As a kid I also loved that piece of crap but unlike Snyder I’ve never pretended that I was a precocious Kurosawa fan.
Well, this certainly sounds like one mother of a sandwich.
Corman also hired a then-unknown James Horner to do the music for Battle Beyond the Stars, I’d say his career turned out pretty damn good
Only Corman truly understood the importance of hiring a good choreographer for a Western.
Producing cheap knockoffs was kind of what Corman did. But all that schlock had a nice side effect of training generations of directors that went on to bigger and better things. The so-called “Corman Film School” has such graduates as James Cameron, Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Joe Dante, Jonathan Demme, and …
Are you sure it didn’t star Agent Gaad, Paul Varjak, and Senator Barkley instead?
which itself was also a Star Wars knockoff.
And five guys wrapped in a shower curtain.
I saw Foo Fighters when they toured with Motorhead. Unfortunately Motorhead got stuck in another city somehow. But instead of Foo Fighters just playing their set and calling it a night early, they played an entire second set to fill in for Motorhead.