
That’s like asking “but what do you get actually looking at the image on an electronic viewfinder that glancing at a light meter couldn’t tell you?”

Yup, cast as babies. And grew up, not surprisingly since they weren’t cast as for their acting ability, to be terrible actors. Yet managed with impressive luck and savvy to turn their moderate looks and acting chops into hundreds of millions of dollars of net worth.

Size definitely is the issue for the vernacular use of R/C. Many full sized cranes can be radio controlled, however when people say “R/C” they typically mean a radio controlled scale model rather than merely anything that is radio controlled, regardless of size.

Having seen a professional attempt at making a play of this book, I’m warry of a movie. I know, I know, a play is a very limited media in terms of telling a story about kids and interdimentional travel, but the play really just highlighted how cheesy and awkwardly filled with wishy washy “love is everything” Christian

No. The iPhone does not use dual authentication (passphrase AND fingerprint). Instead, the passphrase is the “real” security authorization. Breaking the Touch ID scanner does not change your ability one way or the other to access the phone as the biometrics on on the phone.

The TouchID sensor isn’t like a door lock

Yeah, no. The “key” is your finger print, as authorized by inputting the passcode to allow you to register your finger print. So, once again, this is like GM bricking your car because you had a garage replace your damaged doorlocks. You are allowed to replace your doorlocks on your car - GM isn’t allowed to say,

The best bet to keep your own iPhone safe? Make sure the guy fixing it actually knows what they fuck they’re doing.

Without actually looking at the specs on the sensor, it sounds like they made it a smart sensor as opposed to a dumb input device.

“This security measure is necessary to protect your device and prevent a fraudulent Touch ID sensor from being used.”

Over sampled 4k video sounds great, as does the addition of an external mic jack. However, the lack of a headphone jack means there is no way to monitor audio, which severely reduces the broader utility of the camera for recording video.

“Perhaps it is because the Sony is mirrorless”

“True video cameras read sensor data all at once.”

Seeing as how the wine will only be in contact with the *surface* of the penny, it really doesn’t matter if the penny is only copper plated, as long as the plating is intact.

Needs a built in tablet to display recipies in UHD...

Soooo...the same cutting surface area, or less, than an ordinary, inexpensive cutting board, but more difficult to wash because of the extra gimmicks, bulk and weight. Doesn’t do anything for me.

At this point, the blaming Chiplotle is probably just a knee jerk reaction. So far, the pathogens in the various outbreaks haven’t actually all been traced and matched to Chipotle. I think Chipotle has become a bit of a scapegoat.

Cute idea, bad execution. Instead of making the baby face look real, she’s managed to make her entire pregnant belly look fake, because she covered it in a flat, fake-looking coat of foundation. Her whole belly looks like it is rubber, or even terracotta, like a Chia Pet - anything but real.

TBH this one looks ‘shopped to me (I can tell by the pixels and the fact that I’ve seen many ‘shops in my day). No, but really— the lines of her panty front and right garter are all warpy looking. It’s possible that’s really how it looks . . . but idk.

The man has admirable skills and I enjoyed the vid, but I’m not wild about the dark stain, and his leather working is crap. Rivets are functional but lazy and ugly replacements for properly using a bolster and stitching. Overall, I think the project doesn’t show all of the high quality work that went into it. With the

The footage looks quite stable, but A) GoPros are ultra-wide angle which is inherently stable looking, and B) the orientation is locked - no camera moves.