
This mirror can hail an Uber, show me the weather, discuss with strangers on Facebook, etc.

haha, no, I think you got me wrong.

That’s a really valid argument. Weddings typically come with a lot more pressure, and that pressure and stress are passed on to vendors.

Those upside-down city shots were incredible. I found them much cooler than the zoom/move shots.

Nuts... Thoroughly nuts. And, yeah, no safety goggles. Because, you know, new eyes grow out when the previous ones have been shredded by metal filings from a lathe, or coagulated by globs of burning thermite from a thermite launcher...

No eye protection, no arm protection, no face protection... Come on dude, you’ve got a thermite cannon right next to your fiddle bits, AND NO PROTECTION!?!

He spent hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars building this awesome machine, and all I can think after seeing that is “would another $3 for a pair of safety glasses have hurt?”

Plus, railroad tracks are freaking metal. This would be a tie. I wouldn’t make a bench out of either personally. My ass isn’t that skinny.

Casey Chan; If you bothered to even read the description of the youtube video you linked, it clearly says it’s an untreated beam and that you should NOT use railroad ties. You’re going to get someone hurt one of these days dude.

A railroad tie is typically not something you want to reclaim for residential use, especially for furniture. They are treated with creosote and you don’t want that shit touching your skin for any extended period of time. They ARE NOT ‘perfect’ for use as furniture.

You need a shirt pocket that lets film in landscape mode if you don’t want to be a horrible person.

Where does all the heat go?

The amount of people who don’t believe in or know about parallel construction being a thing is really frighting.

Problem with Shannara? Found it!

Ditch Starship Troopers (the bug interactions havent aged that well), and add Aliens and The Abyss.

Companies that use shoddy circuits and batteries will have no qualms about printing a fake UL or CE logo. Heck, they’ll probably certify it organic if it helps it sell.

You should see the rest of the pictures. Terry Richardson is in literally half of them, with Rita Ora licking his face, kissing him etc. And in every fucking picture Terry Richardson is giving two thumbs up with a shit eating grin on his face. It’s the skeeviest shit ever. He knows exactly what he’s doing... he’s

Hahaha I know I mean I figured she’d have nipples, but now I know for sure. Yep definitely has ‘em.

I would hold out for the newer version they’re already working on, the ULTIMATE CUTTING BOARD PLUS. It will be $199 but it comes with a bigger cutting surface and Wi-Fi.