
The software is trivial because you can do this right now on a laptop with touch screen - no coding necessary, hence “trivial” because it is already done and available. The innovation is a humidity resistant, functioning mirror with RGB display and touch screen digitizer, not the apps.

Can’t be or the reflection of his finger touching the screen wouldn’t line up. It is definitely a mirror. The question is whether or not the UI is real hardware or a post production visual effect.

Not if you’ve ever seen a beginner fly. Acrobatic RC helicopters are so powerful and twitchy that a newbie will crash one within seconds of trying to fly it. When you are sitting in a helicopter and flying it the control orientation remains fixed. Push forward on the stick to go forward (in front of you), pull back to

So, the vast majority of vendors (72%) charge the exact same for weddings as they do for other events, but the headline here and elsewhere is all about how “Wedding Markup is Real.” I think the more interesting news is that Wedding Markup doesn’t happen nearly as often as people think, in spite of the fact that

Yeah, the upsidedown cityscape was suprisingly sureal. Simple but effective.

Well, that was pretentious and post-processed. It certainly was not super slow motion, which GoPro’s can’t do.

Well, I suppose this is about as believable as acupuncture...

Yup. Alt med proponents like to claim that acupuncture is old and therefore true. Anyone here think a two-thousand year old powered airplane design would be better than what we make now, or actually work at all? Anyone?

“Acupuncture is Chinese rather than Western medicine so it’s not well understood by many folks. But it works for many things and is based on thousands of years of study and practice.”

“I wish I had this guy’s shop.”

And makes it easier to come out, too. Which isn’t necesarily a good thing.

All good points, but the description that Casey didn’t read for this video says it is an untreated oak beam, not a sleeper.

Yup. I’ve also seen other equally dubious sources of reclaimed wood for home furniture, including wood from the hulls of Indonesian fishing boats. Boats are coated in toxic anti-fouling paint designed to protect the wood from marine organisms, which makes the wood an incredibly stupid choice to use for furniture.

“Minimalist wallets are a great way to cut down on all the junk in your pockets, but if you want to go all in, Make shows you how to make a wallet and key holder combo out of a piece of leather.”

Is that artisnal? How long did it take you to make the spring steel from hand mined iron ore and carbon? Modeling it after a common stationery binder clip is a clever touch... I’m thinking $600 would not be too much to ask for that iconic tranformative creation.

How would someone know you were recording? I had a glass. It didn’t look any different to outside observers whether I was recording or looking at a picture, etc.

This seems fair. They’re not telling them to outright lie or obfuscate information. They’re urging investigators to work within the bounds of the existing laws to say as little as possible.

Impressive, yet I can’t say as I actually like it. Animators work hard to make individual drawings add up to a seamless whole, to create the smooth illusion of motion. This is an attempt to reject that smoothness, to bring the individual frames and art to the forefront. To me, it comes off as pretentious.

“To be fair everyone gets called a whore on the internet. Its like the internets way of saying hello.”

I’d say that’s probably because you are not an audio person. If your method is working for you, well, then that’s your solution: “Good enough” audio that works most of the time. For me just having meters and no monitoring is like being completely deaf and trying to do audio mixing - not a good idea. I have to have the