
I’m curious about all the love for this series. As a big fan of YA fantasy fiction I was looking forward to a great read. A book where a bullied kid finds a special “how to be a wizard” book, just for her, and learns how to be a wizard? That sounds promising. Unfortunately for me, the “wizardry” in So You Want to be a

Versatile? I’d say “useless”, except as an interesting trick.

Decent info, but I’m a bit surprised by all the un-credited, apparently Google-swiped images used to illustrate the article, such as the parts of the Genesis bow and the D-loop (in contrast to the specifically credited photo by Jim Wrigley.) That seems par for the course for a webforum comments post, not for an

All the usefulness of one-off impulse buys like freeze dried “Astronaut Ice Cream”, except it requires a $370 machine you’ll use for a week before deciding that having to wait 90 seconds for the damn thing to spit out a measly 8 ounces of Coke for $1.25 is expensive *and* inconvenient compared to just reaching into

Yeah, why would anyone need more than 50GB of storage on a device that records **4K** video? I just can’t think of a reason. Nor can I think of any reason why one might want to be able to replace batteries that have a limited life span without having to send the entire phone to repair facility that will have to unglue

and set about returning it to its former dilapidation.

Your soc.? That’s rediculous. It’s FB, not a Top Secret clearance...

I don’t think I should be fucked over for what I think, and I hate that we live in that world where even online you have to watch what you say, I thought it was an open forum.

I thought FB asks for documentation and if you have government ID with your name you are good to go.

There seems to be some BS going on in this video, above and beyond the normal faking of showing actual product development from start to finish based on a product that was likely already completed.

I came to the comments to say exactly this. It is much quicker (and easier to remember) to just twist the cord into a natural circle as you coil it. I also don’t recall being taught this, just figured it out from necessity as a musician.

Sailor name: alternating half-hitch coil.

Yes, you are wrong. I used to say the same as you, but, as it turns out, historically a drone was not an autonomous aircraft but rather a remote controlled one.

Just remember that high sound pressure wave toyes can blow out ear drums if pointed at a person.

Remember how instance of breaking into song in Glee had to have some actual rational real world(ish) reason? No just breaking into song as in musicals. That rule didn’t last very long...

“I dont get HOV lanes... is nice when you, coincidentally, have more than 1 person at the car but I really doubt people will look for carpool just to use it.”

Works for me via Firefox. I am signed into Google on firefox using the same account as my phone. And it gave me an error when my phone was off. This is real time only.

Lightroom is also non-destructive. It doesn’t alter the original images, it stores the changes separately. This is also why it isn’t suitable for extensive retouching, the way Photoshop is.

Yeah, I’m rather surprised by how many news outlets showed the full photo above the fold. Not cool. But, in an era where we are showing videos of cops shooting people (also not cool, above the fold) it is not surprising.

“the same as that episode of The Office where Michael thinks he has herpes and tells everyone but then it turns out it was just a cold sore”