
But this isn’t the non-streaming industry and they didn’t choose to release it. What part didn’t you understand?

And you’re still using “the black women” for LGBT causes.

I’m telling you what’s what. The problem with folks like yourself is that you deem anything you feel is a worthy cause makes it noble enough to break rules. Life doesn’t work that way.

This comes down Netflix not pulling a show because the alphabet said so and

Abortions should 100% be legal. That said, an abortion is not a source of joy, laughter, and self-love. If you laugh at the prospect of killing a fetus you are a sick fuck. Like, you all understand this is why everybody hates White ‘feminists’ right?

Facebook’s algorithm chooses content that’s likely to make users angry because that causes the most engagement.

ok, this seems nice and all, but what platform is this on? There seems to be a trend lately on Kotaku where articles omit this kind of information altogether and fail to produce screenshots that actually represent the things described in the article. Can you all work on these flaws going forward?

Fuck your slideshows

What bit of bigotry? Show me the video of Pratt being a bigot. I’m deeply worried by this trend of wanting people you don’t like to be bigots so you can feel morally justified in your arbitrary hate, and that’s exactly what this looks like.

As a lifelong Democrat can I just say that the liberal bias in media has grown beyond tiresome. Roughly 50% of the US population is conservative. Conservatism includes a large swath of beliefs and opinions and yet anyone who so much as questions the most progressive views is instantly labeled a MAGA Nazi. Whatever

So Kotaku’s just posting CCP apologia now?

Will these websites do the same for any game that Tencent has a stake in, you know Tencent, the Chinese conglomerate that is basically the corporate arm of the CCP, oh you know the Chinese, that country that runs actual concentration camps.

Nathan, as others have pointed out, this article didn’t need to exist. I’m not a fan of this Twitch coverage, but I understand Kotaku covers gaming culture and not just games. I hate what happened with Deadspin, so I’m not about to tell you or any one else on staff that “you should stick to games”. That said, is there

look, i get it, you’re a perv and want to perv out. no judgment here. She’s hot. doesn’t make you a moral crusader. this is trash-tier content that isn’t worth fighting over. i just wanted to point out that a not insignificant number of people in this space have complained for years about oversexualization. This just

For your own sake Nathan, you really need a new beat.

Now playing

Sheesh....I got a couple of GBA games at a local thrift (when it was still around) for 90 cents each. Came with their “boxes” (cheaply made) and “manuals” (4-pages each), and a very shiny cart label.

Reading all the Twitter coments... that traffic jam is the least of the cities problem. I actually can not make out any accidents in those pictures. Closely parked yes but no real signs of a crash that I can determine for sure. Then again golf ball sized hail while driving on the highway is going to end up all blocked

Fellow Gen Xer here - we are always ignored, and that’s the way we like it. 

Stay home. Take precautions.  Those of us who are vaccinated are going to resume our lives. Sorry you’re vulnerable, but that’s a you problem, not an everyone else problem.  No one else is responsible for putting their lives on hold to make you feel included.  

Oh, fuck off with that bad faith arguing. These women aren’t making money off men - they are specifically targeting minors.

Yea, as bad as the third-party conferences were at E3, I heartily disagree. Even with Summer Game Fest, there was a lot of news and announcements concentrated in one central time period. Last year, we had non-event after non-event where a publisher would announce their big stream full of awesome news and reveals, only

I don’t object to the premise of this particular article, and certainly some people suffered unnecessarily for the common good of the highway system. I’d have a very hard time accepting an argument that the way city highways were built was fair or just.