
The utter irony of Kotaku’s continued reporting on toxicity with how poorly they monitor their own comments section. I reported a comment on another article, it said “go put a gun on your mouth”, 7 hours ago and it’s still there. There’s some vile and nasty comments on this site that don’t get taken down.

The clock also resets to 1:00 AM.

Lots of talk on Kotaku about toxicity - from work places to online environments, with multi posts touching on toxicity every week. And yet the staff do a horrible job of policing toxicity in their own comments sections. I’ve seen some of the worst that the internet has to offer in here and yet no one seems to be

While we are talking about bugs in software can you please tell me why Kinja is such a crap hole and has been so for such a long time. Do you guys even try to gets the bugs reported and fixed?

Either Jezebel is ignorant of their…. more controversial initiatives, or agree with them. I wonder which it is?

How do you feel and Dr. Cantor’s support for the inclusion of pedophiles in LGBTQIA+?

How about you start? What are all the horrible things (ie- stuff you don’t like) your company does and please include confidential documentation.

Jez is a cesspool of hate.

What exactly are you adding to the conversation?

For some reason the short sighted idiots here would rather pay rent to the huge corporation taking over your properties when they go into default. The fail to see how this situation will result in higher rents and higher standards for becoming a tenant in the future. 

Does this go for farmers too?

Those who didn’t go to college paying for those who did go to college is the very definition of a regressive tax. In almost all cases poorer folks will be paying the debt of richer folks.

Me/We thinks she/they protest too much.

Kotaku is rotten with racists and they’re so blinded by hate that they don’t even realize it. Supporting differential treatment based on the color of someone’s skin is disgusting.

I know, and it’s seriously creepy that he makes a living (at least in part) by “reporting” on these women.

I see that after a brief hiatus, Nathan is back on the twitch hottie beat.

Apparently “Latine” is a thing now?

Patricia, why do you give this trash your attention? If you find his act reprehensible, and I agree that it is, then why give him your views on YouTube and promote him here?

Pretty sure “white women” isn’t a homogeneous group or a “type of woman”. 

No need to be confused. The author hates white people.