
Please don’t ruin this for me. I have so little.

Since the responder provided no citations, “if” seems entirely appropriate. Advocating for a measured and safe approach to therapeutic drug use should not require me to have personally taken those drugs, and also shouldn’t be controversial. But thanks for your pointless comment.

OT: You all need to be all up in Kinja’s ass demanding that they fix this wreck of a site before it costs all y’all your jobs.

The amount of ads in this article (and in general) is asinine. At least, on mobile anyways. Here I am, on my phone, wanting to read this article, and you AUTO-PLAY a video of you guys playing The Last of Us Part 2 and this video gets STICKIED to the top of my phone's browser. So, despite me scrolling, the video stays

The skyrim grandma has tweeted a reply to a similar article from VG247 saying “I don’t know who you are or where you get your ideas from, but there was NO “onslaught” of patronizing comments!!!”  Kotaku the fake news outlet strikes again.  Luke Plunkett and Nathan Greyson please leave this site with the rest of your

What’s this? Curious

Yes, editors, please update your article and change the headline.

Wonder when the article is getting taken down since she said you’re wrong and it only for health reasons.

So, is this tweet from a different person or something?

Interesting, Shirley says that there was no onslaught of rude comments, but is scaling back due to health reasons. As she is 82yo I can completely understand. Way to change the narrative to gamers bad. 

That means a lot coming from someone who cheers on cops closing a woman owned  business for being ‘unsafe’ while coming in without masks on.  I guess you’re more interested in seeing the little people put in their place than actually preventing the spread of COVID

So another liberal offended that a woman owns a business and is trying to make her own way.