
Oh, I get it now! Gendered insults are ok as long as we don’t like the person!

Jezebel misses just about every shot it attempts right now and I for one love watching it. Some faith restored in the readership seeing that there are many readers who do not agree with these knuckleheads blindly in all things. Can’t wait for the next “OMG Cardi B Looks so great in this prison jumpsuit” blog post!

Oh no! Democracy is work! Jezebel is is like a petulant teenager who rages against all things but attempts to build nothing of value on their own.

“And now I finally care about the environment” said no one at all after reading this.

Dear Jez-

I agree with this take. All the cry-babyism over every little thing that comes from Trump undermines the credibility of media outlets and gets normal people to tune out / ignore real issues. Enjoy your 2nd term with Trump, you certainly did your part to help make it happen!

And you all seem to think racism is the problem of the other party! Doctor, heal thyself.

It’s this sort of pervasive knee-jerk reaction against everything Trump does that will help get him re-elected. Seeing the boogey man behind every corner undermines your credibility and makes people ignore other (perhaps truly important) reporting.

This movie does not deserve all that is projected onto it. It’s such a mess in so many places that anything approaching coherence should be chalked up to random chance.

Yea! We have a self appointed hall monitor! How about this... read the comments of those you disagree with, aka “trolls”, and consider if the merits of their arguments.

This is bad tech blogging, perhaps blog this stuff at Jezebel?

And I thought that “Thanks, Obama” was no longer in circulation....

On the plus side, Heather, you get to keep writing the same article and get paid for it.

Paul is a master baker, yet he’s the one they should get rid of? SMH

So much for Intersectionality. Progressives can’t help but to eat their own.

Why do Jezebel bloggers watch and write about so much trash?

My personal philosophy is that you should only have to buy one of a console ever, so I vote no. Ride this one out as long as you can keep it working.

Alternatively, you can work to provide yourself better housing.

How is it that even when Jezebel writes about something I like I find myself hating it? 

I’m a crusty old dude but this story really touched me. Thank you for such a candid and vulnerable post. The internet is 1 pt better for me today than usual because of it.