
Some things are unforgivable.”

At least I appreciate what you had to say and how you said it. Don’t worry about the commenters here - they are mostly miserable, nihilistic jerks. If you’ve upset them, you probably did something right.

Or prime minister of Canada!

This is certainly not the school’s business. No laws were broken and this (objectionable) speech is protected. It would be great if an invested teacher, administrator or counselor pulled this kid aside and let him know what an offensive idiot he was being and how hurtful this is to others but, calling the cops? That’s

Tim, your review sold me. I’m in for $180 on this and have no shame.

So which is it: (a) scantily clad women characters objectively women, or (b) breasts, butts and most other skin shown shouldn’t be considered sexualized?

Umm, California is a 1 party state and has been that way for a decade.

This is excellent and insightful advice!

Jim Spanfeller and Paul Maidment can suck it. If only they could see this post....

Sooo, it they are conservative you assume the worst but liberals get a pass? Whatevs with this double standard. 

Pretty hard to not be a white male when you’re born that way.

Counterpoint: Rose felt out of this place

Any, you know, Black people weighing in on this or only a bunch on whites spouting off?

Pretty sure all the snowflakes from Splinter flittered over here....

Sorry bro, China is a dictitorial regime with a thin-skinned autocrat at its head. This is not exclusively or particularly a capitalism issue.

No feminist bloggers made the list? That’s weird.

I disagree here, free players are part of the game’s model. They give other players an incentive to pay up in order to get a leg up on the competition.

Hey Tom, what about this ad, running on your site, on this article?

Kate’s posts are purile and trashy but I understand that some of your readership wants porn sneaking into every corner of everything.

Stalin still killing it, I see. Make that 100,000,000+1 times he’s done so. So chic!