
Enjoy 4 more years of Trump. You’ve certainly done everything in your power to help make it happen. 

You are too self absorbed to understand that most people are struggling - not just you. You are so bigoted in your expression I have no idea why anyone would care to ally themselves with a pirrhana like you.

Articles like this (and the left’s chaotic drive to eat their own) all but ensure a second Trump term. Congrats, though I have a sneaking suspicion you’d rather rage against the right than have to take the responsibility of leadership anyways.

Can we know about your romantic situation, Megan? You seem very confident in your advice to have an affair or divorce and I’m curious to know if this is how you love your life.

Why hasn’t kotaku covered the latest Zoe Quinn accusations? I can’t wait for the comments section on that one!

Thanks, daddy! You always protect us so well!

Only the wealthy should own guns then?

Because there’s not enough place to find adult content, am I right?

You all are are sick in the head.

Regarding birthright citizenship:

I may be the lonely voice here but as both a gamer and parent to gamers I’d rather the porn games remain outside of steam and epic store. Really, porn doesn’t have to be absolutely everywhere.

Just curious, how we decide incels are mostly white?

Honest question here, why keep the “latin” monicker at all? Latin America was named as such by the French. Seems silly to cast off the gender of the term while keeping the colonialism.

Cardi B has the speaking abilities of a 5th grader. What an embarrassment.

Please don’t confuse anything on Jezebel with reportiy.

Perhaps Jezebel needs to start screening their advertisers if they want to speak with any sort of moral authority on the subject of guns.

Being proud (or ashamed) of traits you are born with seems silly to me. Be proud of your accomplishments not factors outside of your control.

I live in Modesto and am a person whose views are very critical of those posted on Jezebel. That being said, I’m embarrassed that this event is taking place anywhere, much less in my on back yard. I feel sadness and empathy for the others on this thread who came from Modesto and were bullied or outright assaulted due