
Please don’t confuse Jezebel bloggers with actual reporters.

I get what you are saying here - women have to be careful in ways men don’t.  I take exception with the assertion that women rarely are treated with politeness and respect. When you overstate your case, you undermine your own argument.

What does “open season” mean in your statements? You are actually going to shoot people or this is just posturing?

Hey Matt, take your tired and repetitive political diatribes to one of the many political blogs on your network and try, just try, to keep this a tech blog for a day or 2? Also, I hate Trump, but am tired of the fact that you idiots can’t stop talking about him at all times and in all circumstances. We get it, he

Why is there one of you parrots on every freaking article about speech? No one even made an argument that necessitated this stupid “response”. Please stop. You are embarrassing yourself.

Isn’t it interesting how 90% of the entities named are right-leaning while totally overlooking groups like Antifa and Nation of Islam? As if the far right has some sort of monopoly on “hate”? 

honestly, this is a ridiculous and unproductive take. Your thirst for violence makes the world a worse place.

Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that Jezebel bloggers are unable to see these very traits in their own publication?

This post is fairly representative of the the posts on Jezebel. All hate, no hope.

Even still you have the constitutionally guaranteed right to express this sentiment.

Joan you are truly a miserable human being and this narcissistic nihilism of a blog entry reveals how unproductive and petty you are. I’m sorry that you are so damaged that you can’t be grateful for what you’ve been given even though others have much less than you and are doing so much more with it. Try building

We should absolutely able to ask a citizenship question. This information is certainly as pertinent as age, educational attainment, etc. to the development of public policy. What’s done with the information should be the subject of debate.