The Thugnificent Pangaean

You’re a fucking idiot.

I’m hearing good things about this Pol Pot guy.

It’s been three at most. We had Samuel Benta (Black Ranger) stealing a banner meant for charity and Michael Copon (Blue Ranger) accused of sexual assault.

Reading this comment blew my mind, although it appears that the first person you’re talking about was some uncredited Power Rangers extra, not an actual Power Ranger. The other two things are still wild though.

I mean Hitler was a monster, full stop, but”

(record scratch)

“I’m in no way defending horrible people”
*proceeds to simp for horrible people*

What is your point here, exactly?   

What is up with the Red Rangers being shitty people? We already had one drown an elderly couple by tieing them to the anchor of their boat, another stabbed his roommate with a sword multiple times, and now this BS

Hey, Anita Dunn said Mao was one of her favorite philosophers (despite murdering somewhere around 45 million people and enslaving tens of millions more) and that Mao was one of the political examples she turns to most for guidance. And she fell upwards from White House communications director to being a presidential se

I mixed up the names and it slipped by an editor. Sorry! this has been fixed.

I mean, he is the RED ranger...

I guess he was the White Power Ranger all along, huh.

To be fair, it is *very* easy and profitable to separate Conservative Reactionaries from their money.

So uhhh... which is it? Did ChatGPT glitch out or something? The sub-head and then the opening line. Literally read back-to-back. Sloppy.

“After careful consideration, we’ve decided against Hitler quotes and instead will be using quotes from Mao Zedong.” -Austin St. John

It’s Woking from inside the house!!!

Is Woke in the room with you right now?

Man, I’d be afraid of becoming spontaneously erect on-stage and having David Niven’s ghost laugh at my tiny boner and then pooping myself out of shame. That’d be the worst!

I don’t know about most folks, but very few of the games I play address ideas even related to gender identity or sexuality, because they just don’t matter for what the point of the game is.

I’m not sure where you’re seeing that