The Thugnificent Pangaean

Good for her, and I hope she eventually gets to see the money, BUT... while I certainly don’t doubt the whole thing has been a traumatic ordeal for her, I don’t think her reputation has taken that much of a hit. The publications and entities she writes for haven’t been known as particularly right-leaning, and I doubt

What happens when he defames her again tonight on Truth Social?

A political party with a recent storied history of financial malfeasance is now the sugar daddy for a man who is also well-known for his financial malfeasance. What could possibly go wrong?!

Kylie, gotta give you props for the Trump header photo choice. He looks like someone just ran up and punched him in the balls he should.

Fuck around and find out. That’s an expensive temper tantrum.

The GOP, maybe. His base already blew all their savings paying for his legal fees and that chandelier over the toilet at Mar-a-Lago.

83mil?! Lol...

So... he either pays up, or has to disclose that he’s not really worth the millions he claims to be?

Calling it now....Dusty has an IMPRESSIVE collection of porn somewhere.

I will cop to loathing Christmas music but at least this is the first season where I finally understood why. Now that I have a nephew and spend a lot of time with him, it became staggeringly obvious that all the crappy jingles are baby music.

I hope he shits in your mouth.

You are still an excellent writer. I am sure glad to see Jezebel back in my inbox. Even in your despair you bring joy to others.

I just spent my last two hours walking around a chemical plant talking to the 99.9% male workforce about Christmas. They’re not super excited about either - expensive and too much family engagement since everyone has lived in this area since time began. But at least it’s a paid day off! 

I work in retail so I know all about not liking Christmas.

Christmas Haters: “I feel bad for you”

I’m sure Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump, Bob Dole, John McCain, and Ronald Reagan are big fans of no fault divorce since they’ve been married multiple times.

This isn’t our business. They deserve to be happy and their spouses were not providing that. TJ could have found a beautiful black woman but he didn’t, ether way good for him.

Banks, in fact, apparently called it an “F-U” to Republican voters and even said, “[Republicans] don’t deserve the majority.”

Are you referring to these games?

I tried playing Eve Online years ago and couldn’t get into it. Just too much to manage. I love reading about these, though.