If you have to pull the ‘do you know who I am?’ card, you’re not important or famous enough for people to know who you are.
If you have to pull the ‘do you know who I am?’ card, you’re not important or famous enough for people to know who you are.
Real talk: Advanced Towing is scumbag central. I don’t think they’ll hire you unless there’s at least 50 people who would go to jail just to punch you in the face.
Holy crap. I clicked on the video and knew exactly where she is at (sign me up to be an investigative reporter, ESPN. I have a college degree, am in good shape, have all my teeth, and live in an apartment). Before everyone absolutely rags on Britt here, let me play devil’s advocate for just one second.
not sure how this is edited, (did she talk shit then realize she’s on camera? or realize she’s on camera and continue to talk shit?) but if it’s the latter, she’s dumb, if only for the fact that she knows she’s on a camera and continues to be an asshole.
Several years ago, I taught the daughter of one of the Real Housewives of New York. She was a wonderful kid—bright, articulate, and insightful—but she didn’t speak too fondly about her experience of being in the public eye.
Meh, I don’t really even have a witty comment to make. Probably the only thing that comes to mind is good riddance, and what an absolute moron. He threw away his entire life for nothing. All of the money he stood to make from football is gone. All of the potential on-field success and accolades are no more. Most…
It’s kind of like therapy for me. I was such an incredible shit at that age that it helps me to see that other people were equally clueless and crazy.
Funny story about The Stupid:
I have an 18 and a 16 year old. I can tell you stories that will make your ovaries die.
Mikey Mouses NASCAR experience
it's impossible to understate how poorly this stuff reflects on the US to outsiders. a while ago I had someone from Kenya ask me about all the cop shootings going on back home, saying how horrible it is. you know things are bad when someone from Kenya shows you sympathy for shit happening in your home country.
I read the article earlier this morning. Most of it involved police disinterest, lack of thoroughness or, as was the case in Louisiana, prosecutors not interested in pursuing charges. It's a very disturbing read, considering that Sharper kept raping even when police had leads and he knew he was a suspect in at least…
I don't have much to contribute other than to say this was really well written and I enjoyed reading it. You must be so brave to look that kind of fear in its eye and keep going. Thanks for sharing!
“A Single guy, drunk, we can possibly overlook”
I was not prepared for her composure, or the graceful way she kept deflecting so many of Bristol County prosecutor William McCauley’s questions with, “I don’t recall.”
At my best friend's wedding there were five bridesmaids. One of the girl's could not get over the fact that although she wore a size 16 in most clothing, when she tried on the chosen bridesmaid dress, she was at least a size 20. Rather than buy the dress that fit her, she insisted on getting the size 16. "I'll just…