This was my favorite bit: “There’s a big movement in reality TV to be outraged about feminism. I’ve been in professional wrestling. So yes: come see my mirror; eat my wings—I don’t know what to tell you, honey.”
This guys answers aren't even vaguely coherent. Was he stoned when you called or is he really like this?
I haven’t had Subway in a long time, but they’re acceptable sandwiches when I don’t want to care about myself. I definitely don’t like the smell, however. Also, the cookies are not up for argument.
I was on our first Title IX-enforced girl’s track team, and the boys’ team coach made our life miserable. But kharma got him twice 1) when an Olympic-quality girl moved into our township, taking the new girls’ track coach to States and beyond in his 2nd year of coaching (while this poor fellow still couldn’t get to…
This brought a tear to my eye. I’m sure many of those who were opposed really believed that women’s uteruses would fall out if they ran a marathon. Yet nothing happened. Which makes me wonder about today. Any of you trolls care to reflect on your insanities and wonder if you’re on the wrong side of history?
So if Miller got passed by Switzer and she finished in 4:20, what fucking Olympic team did he think he was going to try out for?
I was on my high school's first girls' cross country team in 1981. The couple of us interested had to stand in the halls and beg passersby, asking if they would like to be on the team. All we needed were five girls and we got exactly five girls. The school didn't provide our uniforms, we had to buy shirts from the…
Unfortunately, stupid attitudes haven’t really changed in 50 years. Women were only allowed to compete in the bobsled starting in 2002 because they were deemed “fragile”.
Yes, this was indeed a fantastic article. People’s ignorance never ceases to amaze me. I mean they really thought a woman’s uterus would fall out from running? They grow and eventually push a human out of that area without it coming lose so why the fuck would gravity have a problem with a jog? It reminds me of the…
This is terrific! Loved it.
‘’Everyone knows someone who’s run the marathon.’’ - I actually know Kathrine. She was my neighbour growing up. Absolutely lovely person along with being a totally inspiring badass (her marathon story is legend on our street).
I have very fond memories of seeing her each morning as I would go to school - she’d be…
Because to be an official finisher, you have to be an official entrant. Jock probably revoked her number so she was an official DNF.
Great read. Well done.
First Cloney, outfitted in a fedora and overcoat, physically tried to stop Switzer, but she avoided his clutches.
Great story. Thanks.
I think the donation is a great idea! Just make sure you teach your kid to say “Thank you” regardless of what people give. We went to one party where instead of gifts, they asked for cash donations to some organization the birthday boy chose. We gave $10 and when we put it in his box, he said, very loudly, “Ten…