
YES TO ALL OF THIS!!! *minus the cookies cause they are the shit


I feel bad for the hotel guest!

Pharrell was at least respectful during trial....Robin came off as a dick.

Instagram celebrities...**side eye** Someone please take me back to 1999!

What about Jennifer Lopez?

I had a cavalier too!

This type of "seizures" happen all the time. A similar story happened to my friend and her husband.

My mom!

I have never worked at restaurant, for all these stories that I just read. People are horrible!! My mom worked as a waitress back when she was younger in El Salvador and has told us stories about people ordering all kinds of things and then just walking out leaving her with the tab. :(

He was clearly irritated with Savannah for asking him real questions, he even cut her off! "Savannah, Savannah..."

These guys are always in some sort of headline!

I'm not surprised he has Rusty Hardin as his attorney. He's the attorney that famously bashed Anna Nicole Smith while she was on the stand. If she takes the stand get ready for the shit show!

ME TOO!!!! WTH was that all about?!??!

I use to be able to go on Gawker but that recently got blocked where I work. It is labeled as "Adult Content" but all their sites I can go to...just not Gawker itself. Sigh...

I had to check on Spotify to see if they were on there...they are. I'll give it a whirl.

I also liked the part where Donald told one of the Olympic winner girls, "I'm sure you dont know a lot of people with a lot of money..." lmfao well damn.

then when they did a snipppet of the next show you hear her "oh uh uh honeeyyy." hahaha

The first time they even mentioned calling Bill Cosby on the ride to their location, I cringed. Then as they were in the board room and she was getting attacked on why she didn't call him, it was very clear that everyone had completely forgave/ignored all and any accusations that he had prior to him being dragged out

This audience drives me nuts, how are you not dancingn around and singing along?! Bruno is amazing, at 2:24 Trudies face of "Well damn." says it all. Great job Bruno!