
Say what you will about Wendy Williams, but she addressed this the other day on her show. She pointed out that it's highly suspect that mom has come out of the woodwork to parade around TV with her son . . . when mom left her son to be raised by a known drug addict for his entire life.

My thoughts exactly. And why would he and his "sister" be in love? This is so weird.

Thanks, Oprah, for inflicting Dr. Phil on our national culture.

Sometimes when i hate read the Daily Hate, I see that some of the celebrities' kids have their faces blurred while others will not. I always wondered why that was?

I'd just go full Kanye all the damn time with these assholes.

That was SO DUMB. It is illegal to harass celebrities' children specifically because of the paparazzi's actions.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You do not mess with a lady from Galveston.

Pap: Well, I mean you're famous…

"Marvin Gaye's song goes ding-ding-ding-dingdingdingding. Robin's goes ding-ding-ding-tingtingtingting. It's not the same."

Now playing

Borrowing musical ideas is as old as music itself. Seems to me that the only time one artist owes another anything is when A) they cover a song written by another artist; or B) they sample a recording of another artist. Everything else, even really obvious "soundalike" ripoffs, are just the nature of the beast.

Interesting you cite people doing Bob Dylan Bob Dylan - who I love - has been using the riffs and styles of other musicians for years to write many of his songs.

Bruno Mars better watch the fuck out. Because this guy is pissed off.

I've listened on repeat 5 times, and I swear the only part of Got to Give it Up that sounds even remotely like Blurred Lines is the first ten seconds. I don't understand any of this.

Nope, women's bathroom's are way worse.

As someone who worked in a restaurant for years, don't make that assumption. Men can fuck up a bathroom, yeah, but women can also be naaaasty. Put the changing station away from the urinals and it should be fine.

My Amy's Kitchen frozen entree looks more appetizing then this when it comes out of the microwave.

SUR is the backdrop for the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills spinoff, Vanderpump Rules, which follows a group of young people with various mental health issues and social skill deficits as they pretend to work in a restaurant.

Kara, I think you need an LA spin-off of Caity and Rich's NYC series, where instead of touristy spots, you go to celebrity-owned restaurants.

Wait...wait...I have seen this weird video before (the one you described from SUR.) It was called "Ashes and Snow" and it was ridiculous. That has to be it. There can't be another one. At least, I hope not.