I'm not wildly attracted to my husband and never have been. In fact, he knows that he is so far from my type it's unreal. (I like tall, dark skinned, slightly big men. He's a short, fat, PASTY white guy.). However, he's absolutely the best person for me and I do enjoy the physical side of our relationship.
30 is the toughest age because you THINK you should have accomplished so much. Not so. Your twenties are just a trial period and an extention of your teens (i.e. perpetual angst). In your thirties you start to gain perspective and have experience under your belt and you sort of calm down about things. Seriously, this…
I also can't nap but have the opposite problem. My head hits a pillow and I stare at the back of my eyelids for an hour while I wonder about stupid shit (like whether orcas are more like dolphins or whales, I know they are some "c" word that sounds like crustacean... cetatean? Cetacean? Is that a genus or a family?…
Childhood is insisting you are too grown up for a nap. Adulthood is wishing desperately that you could squeeze in a nap.
I excuse it when it is like, here is me at this cool location, or with this person I don't see often. But just you at work? Why?
My 56 year old aunt posts at least one selfie per day on her Facebook and instagram.
I'm glad you brought this up Jezebel. Honestly I think anyone who posts tons of selfies has at least narcisstic, if not psychotic tendencies. If you post more than 1 selfie a week to instragram, I'm unfollowing you. And I'm not talking about pictures of you on vacation. I'm talking about the picture before you go to…
A couple of weeks, all of the sudden, Gawker was blocked from my work computer (govt.) for being an "Adult" site. Every other kinja site was available including Jezebel. And because it is literally reflex for me to toggle between Gawker and Jezebel like 1 billion time a day, I KEPT going to Gawker. I thought I…
Actually, employees fired for misconduct cannot always collect unemployment. She would have been able to collect it if WetSeal had left well enough alone and just let her be laid off.
the networks are not showing Cosby show reruns, which means she is not getting royalty checks. So she has a financial interest in defending him
Oh come on, it's _obviously_ a shadow op run by Ben and Jerry's to discredit Jell-o Pudding Pops by association.
Bill Cosby was far too smart to shit where he ate. I'm sure that none of the women involved with The Cosby Show ever saw that side of this man.
Because she was an ass about it. She was rude to the server as were her friends. If she'd been polite then fair enough it would be mean to laugh, but she wasn't.
This is actually the first time I'm legitimately felt old. I haven't even heard of these people in passing...
the most awkward thing about the episode was when Ivanka Trump called Vivica Fox articulate and well spoken. Bill Cosby was a dark force from the moment Keshia was project manager.
If I was a famous person, and I found out my friend was on this show, I would be pissed because I'm about to be shamed into dropping $25,000 on a cause I don't care about.