-sips Lipton-
-sips Lipton-
Let's be honest, Trudie was the real star here. She was so cute dancing and singing along behind Sting.
Damn he sounds good.
Congrats to Lily. But, may I say again how damn good Jane Fonda looks, I need the name of number of her plastic surgeon.
Reba literally just brought a tear to my eye.
No, I get it. But vh1 should be ashamed of themselves.
Remember when it was all about Suri? Man, she got old.
I know this is supposed to be humorous, but it's kind of interesting how these two female toddlers are already being pitted together as rivals. Do they do this to male toddlers?
I thought those were their little penguin arms, but I like your interpretation much, much better.
and photoshop mobile is availible, so thats an option too.
She still doesn't believe she is going.
These women are just soooo boring. There is nothing wrong with being boring but dammit why do they get paid to be boring publicly. I can't even finish the video.
FYI, I am pretty sure you are not dealing with a real person up there. From another one of their comments:
I am so glad that you had a wonderful wedding, but there are plenty of women who don't want to get married, or don't want a wedding, or find joy in other things. There are also plenty of people who find nothing but pain and suffering in marriage. What works for you doesn't work for everyone, and pitying other women…
It's no more wasteful than what most people do: wear it once and keep it in the attic forevermore. Donating it would have been a nice gesture, as it would be for any woman to donate her worn only once wedding dress. But sounds like she needed this release, so more power to her.
Edit: typo
I think it gives a better sense of closure to that chapter of her life by the artistic expression. I think she should be afforded the chance to be selfish in this case: her life has changed. Let her be!
Just love your kids.
If you want to completely undo yourself, watch the neorealist film, Umberto D., and weep. It's about a pensioner and his dog. It's a great film that I will never watch again.