
Yep. I know way more about gangs than I should. Wrote my Master's thesis partially about them and taught in South LA for 12 years.

I'm so glad this show is back! I also really enjoyed Issa and the showrunner breaking things down in the aftershow on HBOgo.

There was a peace in the 90s after the Rodney King riots. There are many many gangs in LA, and yes, Bloods and Crips still exist. I don't believe there has ever been a time when gangs weren't "a thing" in LA. They just might not be at all what most pop culture might make you believe they are.

This…so much this!

Exactly what the creators said!

On HBO's aftershow the creators said that was a reference to a line she used with her father in the 1st season(That's not me). She is saying to her wolf that she understands the wolf's choice because the wolf has a new life just as she, herself, has changed. Arya must go it alone.

*applauds appropriate Hamilton reference*

You've convinced me,that's for sure!

Ah, so truly A.V. Club doesn't really care about the level of participation via commenting on these threads. I guess I should have already known this. Darn.

Bitter=because she didn't win
Shea seemed a different person than she had all season, I felt. I never said what she said wasn't true.

Wow! Thank you for that link. Sasha is such a great performance artist, and I love how she incorporates that into her drag.

Agreed! This is my favorite finale ever. I hope this continues because it was so much fun to watch. Also, Sasha slayed, and if she hadn't won after her two lip syncs there might have been a riot!

I agree that last year generated a lot of interest and amazing threads which created a strong community. I believe all of that was lost this season partially because of the season itself, but mostly because of the review dump. It's a shame.


I brought this up during the episode where they sexually assaulted him. It really bothered me. It isn't suddenly funny because it's happening to a man. It truly creeps me out how this was addressed all season. Ugh.

Except that season 4 was the best of all the seasons…so ?

Yeah, the review is giving more info than the episode provided. He's assuming that. It would make sense, but I am a bit annoyed it's in the review because I thought it was unclear myself.

How does anyone know that's Ouija's son? Just guessing? Did he say mom?

Ack, so so gross and awful, all of it!

I got the feeling she very doggedly pursued him.