
One of the many many things that appalled me in this episode that I don't think anyone has really commented upon is the bizarro sexual assault of the guard.

Thank you! You saved me for spoiling the rest of the season. I would have been so pissed.

Except that that was immediate revenge for his "love" being beaten and more by the same guy.

Err, they were clearly referencing Psycho with that scene and The Shining with the twins so not just slasher films. I think they were having fun with it as a homage to the genre and frankly, on this show, you have no clue who may or may not die after we lost Poussey of all people.

I'm so glad you shared this, but also heartbroken for you and your foster daughter. Last season, I tried to let everyone know how realistic the guards were, but few believed me even with an outstanding Mother Jones investigative report to back me up.

I wish it weren't, but sadly, it's all too likely. We watched live as Philando Castile got shot for disclosing, in an open carry state that he had a gun, and that cop was acquited.

So well put. I was just thinking about how my two sisters and I all tried not to be teachers (because our parents were) with other degrees and careers…and yet, eventually, all three of us became teachers. It's amazing how much family/privlege determines future outcomes.

Hahaha, I am such a nerd.

You haven't read the Harry Potter books?! *sad face* That scene was hilariously on-point for we fans. I'm a Ravenclaw who wishes she was cool enough to be a Gryffindor. Little touches like these kind of quizzes being what they use when they finally have access to the internet crack me up.

I was hoping!

Missed the credits and was completely unprepared. Immediately started crying as if she truly were someone I'd loved and lost. Crazy.

It seems I will never stop crying about Poussey. Brooks is so f'ing good. She breaks my heart consistently.

I want more!

Yes, I want her to be happy and comfortable in her life.

I understand your point. I suffer from clinical depression, and I had hoped by the reunion that having seen the show, Nina would have gotten help with support from friends/family. Now I worry she has neither, and I was upset with The way she was "handled" during the reunion. Never in a million years would I ever

I agree with you. I think I worded my post wrong since what I was upset by was Ru and the others asking questions and saying things that implied/exacerbated Nina's problem without understanding that's not effective in the least.

You said this much better than I did. My concern was that they were making it worse as I saw her digging in.

I agree.

It truly worries me that Nina is still not getting help for her mental health issues. Ru and others seem to keep asking her, like it's up to Nina to see it and change, but that's not how serious mental health issues work!

Only if the earth moved, baby and the stars came out after you rolled your eyes way to the back of your head.