
Yes…but umm, they both died…so…


No wonder I loved it 40 years ago! Whoa, my god was that a long time ago.

I think you just helped fill their heads with more imagery! 😂😂😂


Sigh. It hurts my heart that true female friendship seems so rare that any act of intimacy must be sexually driven to most viewers.

Me two, three, and four!

For me, this was the best scene of the series. I got choked up. There is nothing like feeling truly seen when life has been shitting on you something fierce.

Eek! I'm freaking out just from your description. *shudder*


But, like, that's just your opinion, man.

Eek, that's a dire fate!

Once, in my childhood, there was a Brian Sipe.

Accepted. *grin*

He should have called him Donald.

Actually those names aren't homophones so it is necessary for a female who goes by Eddie to spell it appropriately.

Our Netflix has a habit of dropping out sound so we went through two exasperating rounds of trying to fix the problem before we realized it was actually part of the show. 😂

Yes, poor Jane Pauley. That was awful.

Yeah, thank god I'm getting married already or my decision to never watch a Fast and Furious film would clearly bite me in the ass.

Shut your whippersnapper mouth!