

I think you'll find the rest of my comments in this thread address my concerns. I stand by my statement.

Nope, San Francisco. Born to a hippie, I'm the love child you've heard about.

Whoa, I turned 50 in January (13th) as well! So much on the same page.

I'm pretty sure this proves I've lost mine.

Hrm, maybe because Walter is funny and this Chief isn't?

I don't agree. I think he's overly arrogant and refuses to give her the respect she deserves during a transfer of power. In addition, his attitude towards her feels sexist and condescending. He is full of his own sense of authority and tells stories that have nothing to do with the case at hand. He's dismissive when

Ha, that's probably why I misspelled it!

How is he competent when he clearly has no instincts about the crimes, the killers, or why motive matters?

Wasn't Gorka saying that? Which ties it into the cold open because he's the guy they were looking for?

Yeah, as someone who loved and lived with a black man, I can relate to just how hard it is to not let political feelings mess with the more intimate and daily relationship.

Or maybe this series isn't about well-worn tropes?

As someone who has tried to be a white ally my whole life, this has often been an quagmire into which I've frequently fallen. I think that's why this show means so much to me because I'm still cringing at my own mis-steps. There will never be a time I don't have more to learn

Pretty sure that's still Africa.


In undergrad I met an African in a bar, and I was the first American he'd met who could name more than 5 African countries (in fact I named more than 10). That was before the internet though. It doesn't surprise me at all that you're the first I've seen comment on that accent.

My major crush for this series is definitely Reggie. It reminds me that when I was in grad school I had a close (more close than he'd admit to anyone) friend who was a lot like Reggie except more of a hypocrit since he was making out with me (white girl) while telling everyone about the African queen he was looking

I'm afraid I would just start hysterically giggling inappropriately.

Turn away because it was too painfully accurate or ?

Please stop. You were not asked for assistance and both your comments to people who clearly know more about their mental health needs than anyone else are uncalled for.