

Having seen the whole series, but not the film, it seems to be a bit of both. I'll be interesting to find out what you think since you've seen the film. I really enjoyed the series.

Why are you even commenting when you haven't seen the film or the series?

I didn't see the film, and I've watched the whole series. I came away with a very different take, and I feel the characters grow richer the more episodes you see. I'd recommend seeing it all and trying not to compare it (if possible).

I haven't read any comments yet, but I just binge-watched all 10 episodes because I found it refreshing, 3-dimensional, and important. As mentioned in the review, I found myself profoundly moved by Reggie's episode prior to realizing Barry Jenkins had directed it. When I saw the name, it just felt like…right, he

I'd give Bertolucci's Beseiged a look, but then again, perhaps I just love him more than most.

Have you not seen True Blood?!

He is unbelievable in Besieged (with a very young Thandie Newton) if you ever get a chance to see it. Plus, his Remus Lupin is wonderful. I do need to see Black Beauty and Restoration though.

Cirie is actively trying to keep her relationship with Michaela quiet. So I think that is exactly why she didn't pick her.

She's never won Survivor, if that's what you mean.

I have to believe that being a team captain was the last thing Cirie wanted!

Please tell me the Star Wars movies aren't the only films of his that you've seen???

All I could think of was poor Lenny Bruce when I heard that.

Or constant leaf blowers, am I right?

Plausible deniability?

Umm, you seem to be misremembering 1994/95. Almost no one had access to the internet yet. That happened around 1996. Amazing how quickly everything changed then though.

When he's Emmit, his natural Scottish brogue comes out way more. This is not helped by the fact that I recently saw Trainspotting 2.

Now I know why I never really took a hankering to Bridge as a child.

I like the way your mind works.

Yeah, and what's up with the second paragraph. It says that one man is dead when, duh, Maurice is also dead. So, that would be two men who are already dead because of this stupid feud. Bizarre mistakes like that make no sense to me.