
I'd be really surprised if they did that on purpose, but maybe? Those masks are commedia del'arte archtypes that have been used for centuries, and I would not be surprising to find one in a therapist's office.

I know, from the review, that this was Abigail's project in the book as well, but I have no clue how Bonnie was written in it. It was also set in the author's native Australia, but I definitely understand why this would have been a great place to have made adjustments or deleted a subplot from the novel.

Lena Dunham really acted the fuck out of her scenes in this episode. She had a lot of levels to play, and she reached every one. Never hurts to have Rannells and Stoll to work with!

Well, atleast Orange Is the New Black won the SAG best cast

I saw Sarah Silverman at the original Boston Comedy club when I was an NYU student in the early 90s. Right before she got SNL which didn't work out. She was so young and one of the only females. This episode just brought it all full circle.

Is Untucked online? Or do I need to DVR it as well? Help!

Odd, since Jemaine's a Kiwi and doesn't sound like he's from the UK at all to me.

That was my 1st thought followed closely by Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory pipe sucking up that kid.

Hrm, I don't think they know anything at all about Zeke or Michaela.

Achhhhhhhhhhhh, forever unclean!

I know it's nothing like Sophie's Choice, but I seriously can't chose!

If you ever want to try, Deadwood is my favorite series of all time. The writing and acting is fantastic.

You haven't seen Deadwood? Her Calamity Jane is one of the best performances ever. Her name is Robin Weigert, always outstanding.

I think it's pretty great, especially as she's doing films, that she made the time to be in final series at all. Excited to see her as Patti Smith in Mapplethorpe.

I was saying that they have nothing to do with This Is Us even though Ken Olin directs. Dan Fogelman is the creator, and it's worth checking out his IMDB credits for sure.

I don't think that's clear at all. They always have a surreal feel to them. Much like all three women running together. I don't think it's supposed to be taken literally.

It was always always a huge line in the LBGTQ community is I think the point here. The more campy the better.

Looks like she may be working on three different projects according to IMDB plus a new marriage. So, that might be enough to keep her too busy for some of the filming

See Paterson, he's simply fantastic. There's a reason all the great directors want to work with him. He's super talented. I'd say everything he's done other than FA has been top notch.

Clearly just my opinion but these kind of convenient plot devices I find particularly unappealing and melodramatic. I think they're lazy and undercut all the other layers the plot tried to create. When something feels "too obvious", I think that's bad writing/plotting.