
I couldn't agree more! I think he was more than patient with her. I felt badly for both he and Adam for having to force her to recognize she needed to go! I had liked her previously, but her need to be consoled for her own choice is super ugh-worthy.

The four you mention are my favs, but I also think that Chris has potential to be really great in the longer run.

So glad to see Carrie again, though I, for one, learned I was old because of the whole u/you and vinyl thing. Oh so very old.

There were so many ouchie moments in this. Shooting a mad dog worse than a human. Being able to get in the VIP room because a white woman said IDs are ugly. The reporter saying know your role/play your part. Ouch.

I'm relieved because a part of me was kind of horrified that you (or anyone) would actually only know the candy bar.

I'd say modern polyamory has just as many rules as the people within it want it to have…and some have a shit-ton while others are less rigid, but from what I know, this groups were fairly lax. Somewhat rare for this large a group to be fluid-bonded (having sex without condoms/dental dams/etc).

Curious. Do you know O. Henry's short stories and are assuming his work can't possibly be compared because they're not mediocre (as you say the candy bars are)?

Not to mention it was only 12 pounds though he said it was 40, that he called her Miss Piggy, and forced her to go to a gym in front of reporters. For the record, she weighed apx 130 when he did that.

Actually, NPR annotated the entire debate. Every single claim Hillary made is backed up with references and often footage. Plus, every time he said wrong or I never said that they have the footage, interview, or tweet. He hates her commercials because they are all clips of what he has actually said.

Yeah, I'm grateful so many got to see just how fucking rude, demeaning, and impatient he is…even when he's supposed to be on his best behavior.

*shrug* I really thought he was disgusted by the guy using the kid that way. I don't see that as pity.

Welp, that's a new word for me.

So you and the reviewer seem to feel he felt sympathy for Zan, but the feeling I got when he left the car was disgust. IE That guy is pathetic and not even remotely worth any further energy.

Different world views, I guess, but Roseanne was lower middle class. Owning a home that can house 3 kids is not the poverty I think exists in the inner city or poor rural communities.

I really love this show, and I'm so glad it's continuing to impress me. I have to say I was really surprised by her relationship with her mother. I kept thinking, how could that mother have made her? And why would she ever live across the street?
But then I realized, holy hell, she has to take care of her too!

I was also so annoyed by this, but I think it rings true because she does feel guilty about working, about being away, about trying to compensate for their dad, and as angry as it made her, she just doesn't have it in her to truly punish them…which is why they are spoiled and disrespectful but definitely loved.

Agreed. The closest seems to be Lauren Graham who did so in both Gilmore Girls and Parenthood, but those were far more ensemble casts.

Definitely the guy who played Virginia Johnson's first husband on Masters of Sex…whom I now know is Mather Nickel!

I don't agree with you here, but thought you might be interested that Holofcener is directing Tig Notaro's One Mississippi on Amazon (well, episode 2 anyway which I watched last night).

He was so brilliant in Short Term 12 that I wanted, more than anything, that he would get a career from it…and voila!