
I'm pointing out there is absolutely no difference between the two shows in terms of "tropes". For goodness sake, The Andy Griffith Show and My Three Son were about single father's raising kids. You don't have to like Better Things, but this particular reason seems a tad ridiculous to me.

Did you have the same objections when Louie (after Blossom, Full House, 2 and a half Men) gave a refreshing original take on what had been popular prime time fare?

Yeah, that is odd. I hope that comes up.

Strong arguments, but I think part of the original post that is missing in your comment is that Louie was about the exact same things (raising daughters, navigating career, dealing with divorce) as this show and the only big difference is location/gender. Thus it seems odd that those who love Louie are responding so

You make excellent points. I'm going to try to be optimistic that more people will watch though. I'd hate for it to not even get a chance.

See, Louie had a built in audience because he was playing a version of himself…and he's a well-known comedian. I think this role for Pamela Adlon is also a version of her own life, but she's just not as well known. So I don't think this pilot is all that different from Louie's actually. But I agree that pilots

Yay! Clearly, I am hopeful that more and more people feel the way you (and I) do. I'm glad to see it might be more about what individually appeals.

I really enjoy reading your comments as they are thoughtful and demonstrate a real ability to grapple with/analyze issues.

If you mean Dale Dickey, she has an outstanding small role in Hell or High Water. One of my favorites all year.

Totally agree about the Zimmer scene. Still I want to be clear, I didn't in any way mean to say "misogyny". In fact, I deliberately didn't do so.

I wondered that as well. I certainly don't mean to come off as strident but perhaps having all female leads, 3 of whom are children, is uncomfortable enough that the very same men who love Louie won't even give this show a shot? Or that women haven't seen it/aren't commenting/feel the same?

Hahaha, the 80s seem to have a hold on so many. But this is Better Things not Stranger Things. *wink*

Apparently, my having no expectations helped me enjoy this way more than most of the commentors. I find it refreshing to have a show whose main cast is all female. In addition, the knowing winks to the industry with the inclusion of fantastic cameos, was a wonderful jolt. I mean who hasn't confused Zimmer and Adlon?

Maybe I'm clueless, but what are all these other single mom shows?

Probably best to make sure he didn't drop a house on anyone.

I saw him (and Brie and the director) in a q and a for Short Term 12. Having just seen the film, I was so excited because I thought he was outstanding, but he showed up late and seemed high or if not, really annoyed/out of it. I'm so glad to see he's found a great part here and that it wasn't a fluke.

Worse it just felt like outright plot manipulation at its worst—how can we get Stone to do the closing argument?
Oh I know, let's create moments without almost any backgd motivation (the kiss and even grosser, the drug muling) to get us there. Was there even one moment in the first 8 eps that would have made you

I'm a bit stumped by it as well, and then I remember, some men get very very upset when women have opinions about sexism or really anything with which they disagree.

Imagine me nodding vigorously whilst reading and being grateful that you had the words to express exactly how I felt about this whole series.

Someone on the thread said it was from The Man Who Wasn't There.