
Victor was forcing the poor kid whose mom was having to bring drugs in to give him BJs (and probably much more) and Naz had seen it. He then threatened Naz in the bathroom with a razor to his neck not to tell. Naz had already been feeling guilty when he saw the kid having to, once again, go to Victor's room. Once

Myself, I just got lost in Sinbad and the Seven Voyages thoughts. I wonder if kids these day even know who Sinbad is?

One of the people working on the show is Nelson George who wrote an early hip-hop history book I adored. I suspect these "errors" have more to do with Luhrman's stylistic ticks than not knowing how it actually went down. Many people find the same issues with his other works.

Not me(oddly never been on Reddit), but if you've ever read Sheldon, that's the only thing they're good for. *embarrassing college admission*

I had to look up The Other Side of Midnight, though when I saw it was by Sidney Sheldon, I had a clue. I'm guessing mostly for the wank fodder?

Ding, ding, ding!

I came here to say the same. It's such a talented family. I'm really hoping for more Aida and John scenes together. They play off of each other so well.

I completely agree. I think you've phrased it quite perfectly.

Though cool to see Kubrick and Bergman films made even this list.

Indeed, and truly Mr. Robot is playing for his life or is it actually Elliott who is playing for his?

I think Esmail's film school training is really showing here. I'm biased though because I used to work for NYU film, so caveat emptor and all that. Others have already mentioned Bunuel, Kubrick, and Coen Brothers, but in my scan of comments, I'm not sure anyone has brought up Bergman's Seventh Seal and possibly the

Here's two of his tweets (he has more about ST):
Watching Stranger Things is like watching Steve King's Greatest Hits. I mean that in a good way.

Did you mean unfavorable?

I follow Stephen King on Twitter, and he said he loved Stranger Things. It was days ago so I don't remember the wording, but it was why I sought it out.

Since is the episode I'm on, I just wanted to note that in an earlier episode you said Mike had a The Thing poster on his wall. I don't remember seeing it, but I do know he has a Dark Crystal poster.

I love that there are so so so many words that, as an American, I have such trouble figuring out. Some are actually totally different words than we use for something, but often it's just pronunciation. For example, recently there was an episode where they had to make pita bread, and when they said PIT-a, I had no

I found your comments and those of Great Boos Up very moving. Thank you for adding another reason for me to love this show!

Protective custody is the term I was looking for! I agree that I don't think he'd automaticly be given it.

I just freaked out when I IMDB'd and discovered Birdy was in 1985. I do really love that they cast actual 80s actors in this.

Definitely should have been The Outsiders, there were so many great guys in that. I was 16 in 1983 and Matt Dillon was a way bigger deal to me. Also, I wasn't allowed to see Risky Business because it was R-rated. Sigh.