
Before I read comments, I have to say I'm so surprised by the overwhelmingly positive reviews this is getting. We tried the premiere last week and we made it to the moment where Naz was being frisked at the exact same moment that the murder weapon was being described at the police counter. We looked at each other

Just a few things: the writer's room isn't completely white. It includes Latinas and mixed race people. It also has more women than most (by a lot) and LGBTQ writers. That is has no black writers is horrible, however.
It is very very white in that part of NY state. I was a camp counselor up there and it was scarily

I went to grad school at NYU in the early 90s. I grew up in New Mexico. It was a huge transition/cultural shock, and I had many such evenings. I, like you, felt vibrantly alive. This episode brought me right back to it.

You mean, other than Allison?

That would be prefect casting, but haven't we already seen her father?

I just wanted, without reading any other comments, to thank the reviewer for being absolutely stupendous throughout this season. I mostly (until the end) watched at the pace you reviewed, and it really helped me to process more thoroughly. This finale review couldn't have been more in line with my own

Psst, now your comment has the spoiler.

I'm glad I'm not alone. Thanks for this.

Sorry, I misspoke. In no way did I feel you were whining or any of the rest of it. It's probably sad that I leapt to defending myself. Your words meant a lot to me.

So you believe the actions of all 10 guards in those 6 days isn't a fact? I'm not saying these other issues don't exist. I'm only saying that no one denies the cruelty and sadism. If by demand characteristics you mean only certain types of men would agree to be part of the experiment, wouldn't that apply equally to

I hear your rage. I feel it deeply. Some of us are and have been doing something for a very long time. And no, it isn't just for the so-called "good ones". I don't pretend I can ever truly know, as a white woman, how it feels, but to believe I do nothing? That is something I must refute.

After this episode, my fiance found me huddled in a fetal position sobbing uncontrollably. I've been waiting for this review so that I could feel the relief of sharing my grief with all of you. Thank you for all your wise and heartfelt comments. We may not always agree, but having this sense of community means the

PS Two commenters above both cited actual COs as saying this year was more realistic, why do you doubt them?

No, the criticisms were about the moral/ethics of how it was conducted, but the fact that in only 6 days those chosen to be guards had become increasingly cruel and sadistic is most definitely true.

Err, many of the women at Litchfield are violent offenders (armed robbery, shooting, stabbing, murder) and majority of those in the article are there for drug offenses. But that's not the point. The point is that the position of CO, the lack of training, the "brotherhood" feeling, the power, the sexual and sadistic

I commented about this earlier, but I think some people just can't wrap their heads around how evil people can be when given power over others. Have they forgotten the Stanford experiment?

I wept that long as well. I mean, in a fetal position sobbing. My poor fiance came home with pizza and found me like that during the finale. It was embarrassing and yet, I couldn't stop. It blows my mind that the Game of Thrones finale was the only thing that could cheer me up. Good lord, it's frightening how

Again, in that article, within less than a month as a CO, the reporter sees all the new COs doing horrible things and supporting one another as a way to get through the nightmare. That wasn't even with vets who are already trained to feel they must protect and side with each other. In addition, with a leader like

Yesterday, I read the article from Mother Jones done by an undercover journalist who worked as a CO for a for-profit prison…and terrifyingly, this season of OITNB isn't even close to how bad it really is!

That Lord of Light seems to work in mysterious ways.