
Eek, hard for me to think of the Aztecs as primitives. Pretty amazing empire. I certainly don't prescribe to thinking of the Dothraki as primitive. This world is full of many and varied Gods.

It takes time for anyone to get brave enough to be willing to die to ask such a question. We're talking about a world where people are willing to fight and kill for Ramsey Bolton, ffs.

Should we add Yara?

My point is: they totally have a reason to be following her. It gives them a leader when there are no others and being fire-resistant and the mother of very real dragons is more than enough.

Sansa's little smirk as she left the dogs to finish off Ramsey? Yas, Queen!

Did you forget the whole "she killed all the leaders and walked out of a burning building like a Goddess" thing? If you think you've got a God on your side, people will follow, methinks.

There was something about the scene where Marjorie asks her out…and you can feel Catherine's confusion, the angle of the camera, her denial. It was truly romantic in a way I wasn't expecting. As was the lovely and sweet morning moment.

Hahahaha! OMG, thank you for being able to recognize and write this for us. I think my mind turned them into leaves (which I couldn't understand) because "rats" wasn't on my radar.

I thought he was fabulous, actually. I love people who are willing to be fashion forward and really sell it by being fully themselves. Done and done!

I can not wait to see him in American Gods! Such perfect casting.


Denzel losing to Al Pacino was a crime of epic proportions! It's tragic that after so many brilliant roles, Pacino won for that hideously ham-fisted one. Ugh. Of course, same thing happened when Denzel won for Training Day. Argh.

The first time I saw Lyle Lovett he opened the show with "Stand By Your Man" which he'd done a version of for the film "The Crying Game". On stage with him, dressed as a man, was Julia Roberts because they'd secretly be married shortly thereafter. We were too far away to realize it was her until we read about it the

I may be missing something as well, but I took it to mean that Selina's so self-centered that she says the same thing every time she speaks to Marjorie never remembering she's asked it. Thus, the fact that she's annoyed by Marjorie's increased annoyance is even funnier.

I wish I had an extra upvote for the Lot's Wife reference. Awesome.

So true. Since I find her so attractive, I forget how rare it is (on the show) for others to see her the way I do. Plus, I also love red headed men. This is a match made in fantasy heaven!

I agree! But I have such a crush on Brienne that I'm more than a little biased.

Plus, Brienne's probably still hung up on Jaime, methinks. Still, I'm with you on sad puppy Tormund!

My fiance started to pat me and say "Calm down", but I slapped his hand away and continued to hell OH MY GOD at the top of my lungs over and over and over again.

This made me weep with laughter! Thank you.