
I know it's a small thing but Tormund obviously finding Brienne enticing made me giddy clap!

Please god, NO! Not the Fallen Comrade sequence. Nothing has ever made me happier than when they ditched it.

Yep, "Tortoise and the Hare". Technically, it's a fable by Aesop. Slow and steady wins the race being the moral, etc. *English teacher silliness*

Probably already been mentioned, but Carrie, your recap is a bit misleading. Tai first went to Aubry (not Cydney) and Joe, told them about the extra vote, told them he'd use it on Michelle and that next week he'd use his idol. Basically, he laid out his entire game plan, which makes it even more curious why Aubry

Very important to watch the visual album first I think (when you do buy it).

Can everyone just take a moment to bask in the glow that is Joe actually getting three rings on fish hooks? It's a sad state of affairs when his doing anything at all makes me excited.

What makes this different than your quoted words is that, in this case, there are no individual videos for each song. It's the entire album, in order, as a film with an epilogue (the video for previously released "Formation"). The visuals enhance (in my opinion) and give meaning and work as more layers of the album.

Shuffled off his mortal coil…

Gah, how could I forget? It's so much better that way.

For realz!

My favorite Aubry line of the night was to Scot (who didn't seem to get it at all): "I see what you're stepping in."
Might that be Bullsh*t? I think it, most definitely, was. Oh, Aubry, you are a delight!

The whole time I was crossing my fingers and chanting *just not Cydney*…but the edit helped because we saw so little of Cydney that I knew it had to be Debbie going home.

It's the only reason I can almost kind of sort of deal with.

I will be super impressed if this is the case.

I have loved Cydney from day one, and it was so glorious to see her bring all these arrogant men tumbling down. It may end up biting her in the a**, but my god, it was worth it.

The only reason (other than finding Jason an utter tool) for that vote is because he thought that was who all the Brains were voting for and he was hoping to cause some chaos.

They were certainly critically acclaimed and award-winning which is no easy feat. In addition, they seemed (at the time) to be what anyone who knew comedy was watching.

That just isn't possible, is it?! *Why is my memory so bad?!*

I have been asked for directions in every single town/city I've ever been in…even if I am just there on vacation. I have taken this to mean that I am the least threatening and most approachable person in the world (when desperate).

Has anyone done Bette Midler for fuck's sake? I mean, really!