
I don't think I was beautiful when I was young, but I do think that I bought the bill of goods that said unless I was harassed by men that something was wrong with me or that if I didn't feel 'flattered', I was uptight and men wouldn't ever like me.

Erm, I think you missed my point. IE: If a man would't get asked it, then it shouldn't be an interview question for anyone.

It wasn't until Anita Hill that I had any clue at all. I ended up on the first ever sexual harassment committee for my grad school, and one of the male professors on it was one of the worst offenders ever. *Face palm*

Wow, that makes me remember walking down the street in NYC and a guy dropped to his knees and said "Those are the greatest tits I ever seen"…and I used to tell that story with pride because I had no clue how terribly insecure I actually was. It never even occurred to me to say anything other than "Thank you". I

Even sadder is that, especially when I was younger, it almost felt like if I didn't get this attention that somehow it meant I wasn't attractive and that, should I get it, I should feel better about myself. Which just shows how fucking twisted up I was and how much I didn't even realize I was objectifying myself. I

I know you've already figured this one out, but I think it's always important in such cases to flip it around. IE: Would this same question be asked of a man by a man?

There's just something about the way Amanda Peet throws back her head and just all out laughs as Gina that just rocks my world. I feel like as much as I've enjoyed her through the years I just never realized how good an actress she really was until this role. It kills me that she won't get to keep playing it.

And the manny from Jerry Maquire!

Kind of you to reply. I just wanted to share because it touched a nerve.

You just never know with the edit. I'm hoping, from the promo, that we'll finally get more insight into the game she's playing this week.

I grew up in New Mexico where Los Alamos, Sandia Natl. Labs, and White Sands made us seem like Ground Zero. We were all certain we were going to die. The Day After seriously fucked us up. The next day (I was a Junior in HS), regular classes were suspended to deal with the emotional fall-out (so to speak). It

Yeah, I was excited to see that Cydney might finally turn on her horrible Brawn brethren in the promo, but with all the edit fake-outs, I may just be in for more anguish.

I'm pretty sure NYU and USC are siblings.

Well, there was this one scene in Last Man on Earth with Kristen Schaal that was pretty awesome.

*Embarrassing confession* When the guys were catcalling her and the one just said "Hi", I was wracking my brains trying to figure out who he was….it took me until he was basically following her to realize it was Charlie.

Because he was being incredibly condescending and showing her actual annoyance would only increase his utter lack of understanding further…she realizes, much better than he does, what is actually at stake and doesn't want to risk messing up her own position.

Interestingly, in an interview with Dalton Ross, Peter said it wasn't until watching last night that he realized it was Aubrey and not Joe who had done the crossing out vote (and that was a year ago!).

It seems pretty evident she has *hundreds of part-time jobs and none of them seem normal.
*This may or may not be an exaggeration.

I really and truly believed you would end that last line with "shoot baskets galore" to maintain the rhyme scheme. *Grin*

But Neal also has an idol and currently (as far as the edit suggests) no one else knows about it. The only person who knows about two of the idols is Scot, and that gives him a certain amount of power. I worry about the reunion of Scot and Jason….and that Tai will become part of that ickiness/manipulated into use of