
And smart! *Swoon*

Yes, she's currently my fiance's favorite player as well. There really is "just something about her".

Maybe it's too much film and tv, but does he really seem bright enough to be a psychopath? Narcissist, defintely.

Because when you have the numbers none of that is supposed to matter…and wouldn't have, if Peter hadn't foolishly gone looking to ditch them.

I think she really was thinking of the merge. In addition, I think she may have wanted to solidify a relationship with the other tribe members (Julia, Tai, Scot) knowing that might help her later with the merge. Joe will reunite with Debbie, but I'm not convinced they will stick with the Brains at all.

I applaud all acts by the producers to give winks and nods to the fans.

Umm, his mansplaining to her showed that he had no clue at all about how she perceives him…and his interview after revealed his cluelessness. Meanwhile, she read him accurately and wisely didn't dissuade him of his own presumptions.

One hopes!

Well, some of us like the Tai and Neal's of the world actually. I greatly prefer either of them (even if Tai's not for the ladies) over any of the other men. In addition, I think Cydney and Julia are quite lovely. Oh the joys of being bisexual.

I can not thank you enough for finding this. *Oh the evil glee*

Made me think of Durst's "Killed them all. Of course I did." in The Jinx.

Personally, I no longer understand people who sleep with anything on at all (unless they are somewhere very cold).

Err, Hannah didn't break up with Fran. From the aftershow bit with Lena Dunham, it seems she will run right back to him because of how freaked out she was by the lesbian incident.

Yeah, it had the whiff of "Rulers of the Universe" grossness.

Really grateful for this explanation!

Oh, there's that, but Peter is just so freakin' arrogant and clearly played a more charming hand with Liz and Anna. Ugh.

In her interview with Dalton Ross, she said when Tai mentioned voting out Peter that, at that point, she liked Peter and was surprised. I get the feeling that Peter (of course) was much nicer to pretty girls than anyone else.

Shut your dirty piehole! *Screams deep into the night*

I am horrified! *Files this in the things I wish I never learned drawer*

I believe during the show we saw his body temperature at 105 degrees even after the IV and the ice on his chest. That can permanently damage your organs (including your brain). There is NO way he shouldn't have left and spent a number of days being treated.