
I was one of the only non-Catholics in my small NM town! When all the other kids went to catechism, they had to invent stuff for the few of us to do…and this was at a public school.

Are we so sure she's going to Hawaii? Maybe I'm overly optimistic, but I wondered if she might be going somewhere else because she'd made the "I'm the villian" realization.

Me too! It's been 30 years since I came out as bi, but my goodness, if only I'd had that song and those words! I still think I may send it to a few people who (still) just don't get it.

Yeah, a town of 8,000, a high school of less than 500, and a state university in a state with one of the smallest populations in the country. I think this situation still (sadly) exists for many in rural USA. I lucked out and got to go to grad school in NYC and I've lived in the Los Angeles area for the last 17

I don't think anyone said anything like that they were always linked, but your initial comment seemed (as does this one) to be saying that she isn't an alcoholic or a sex and love addict even though, in the series, she clearly thinks she is both. If you don't think the show accurately portrayed those addictions,

You are not alone!

Perhaps where you grew up, but I was from a small town. Everyone's experience was/is different. BTW, Bowie did have sex with men and women. I personally define my own bisexuality as being both sexually and romantically attracted to both genders, but others define it differently. He, by all means, got to chose how

Hmm. It's certainly easier to handle lately. One thing though, the kid they got to play younger him looks almost exactly like him!

Hahaha, exactly!

I think they do, but I think her best chemistry, by far, is with Eve.

Seriously, that would be fabulous. Plus, it would mean two shows having done so recently (the other being Crazy Ex-Girlfriend).

Well, she sure looks a lot more like Nina Simone than Zoe Saldana (in black face ffs), and though I like Zoe, Viola is one of the most brilliant actresses working today. She'd be my #1 choice for Nina as well.

While I mostly agree with this assessment, I think 10 years ago bisexuality had gained more acceptance than many people realize. Now if you'd said 20 or 30, I would be the first to agree. *says the bisexual who came out as such in 1986*

Yikes, that'd be wretched.

I'm afraid I couldn't disagree with you more. Everything you just wrote is the very reason many many people are in those rooms (twelve step meetings). You don't get to decide who is and isn't an addict. That's actually a decision each person comes to and expresses at the beginning of each meeting.

My fiance during the show, "Is Aubrey wearing those leaves as a hat??!"

Hahahahaha! You write many on point things, but this was hilarious.

It's even funnier that I could't tell the difference!

Because I am using the John Oliver Drumpfinator, that reads "All hail Emperor Drumpf" and was hilarious.

It worries me that so many seem to have missed the "Sunset Boulevard" homage there (since it's so blatant)!